Nordy, here is your next car....

psiedv6 said:
I want a ride in a Buick, you did say you would give me one, right Racer? :) That is my life, and I hope some day someone will envy me :D


MAYBE i will, we will just have to wait and see now :p ...
turbolou said:
Bill don't take any of this serious. Mike right now is going through a west coast initiation period. He also unfortunately got hooked up with some unsavory character & has been unjustly labeled.As the saying goes if you sleep with dogs you get the flies LOL

Sort of saying that if you sleep with sheep, you become and start sounding like one also, right LOU? ;)

PS: nordy and I are working hard in getting you that sheep tone for your phone, it will suit you really well. :)

Now that were haveing a tender moment & were all friends again. I think we should take all this bashing experience we have practiced & proclaim a Jihad on the east coast guys.I bet they are real easily pissed off & a potential source of many hours of enjoyment. I would like to assign Wicked GN to infiltrate & report any soft spots that are ripe for attack. He has a natural talant for this & nothing to do with his time.Chevota is a very gifted ball buster & should be in charge of script.Wells & Cruz would referee.All this off course would be in the interest of promoting the same closeness & camaraderie that we all on the west coast so endear. My intention would be to deny any of this & proclaim everyone else to have issues. It's now time for my medication .Good day to all. Lou
Harold doesn't look for soft spots, he looks for wet spots in the flour.
Got that new turbo on that car yet, Lou?
I would like to see it when you do.
Wells said:
Harold doesn't look for soft spots, he looks for wet spots in the flour.

yes sir you are right, so please allow me to throw some Flour on you and let me try and find out how many wet spots i can find. and NO im not talking about the frontal lower side ethier :)

Wells said:
Harold doesn't look for soft spots, he looks for wet spots in the flour.
Got that new turbo on that car yet, Lou?
I would like to see it when you do.
So far it doesn't seem to noticeably out perform the PT61 although I haven't had much time to tune for it yet. Thanks for telling us about the flower's will now know better then to send them anymore.