New Tranny - Problem


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2001
Guy's I just had this tranny installed on my vehicle. Let me first tell you the events as they took place.

After tranny was installed and fluid checked out ok I took the car out for a spin (nothing radical) all shifts were crisp (ok head snapping crisp). All shifts occurred normal RPM/MPH wise. However, I did notice that the speedometer was not functioning. Took it back and we disconnected the cables and made sure all was ok. Reconnected everything back, took it for a ride, again all was working fine then it stopped working again. Re-did the same procedure again. Finally it was working. Took the car home and noticed the speedometer needle was working for a while then quit then start working again. It seem to do this whenever I went over some bumps. At this point, tranny is still shifting good.

I drove the car for another fews days to get in used to the feel of the tranny. After about 3-4 days I notcied the tranny was not shifting the same as when I first took it home. I asked the shop if the speedometer cable not functioning had anything to do with it, they said no. Anyway I went ahead and took the car back to get the speedometer fixed (which they did) and went home.
Still had the higher shifts (RPM and MPH wise). I tried messing with the TV cable to no avail. Also, the OD gear will not activate (around 55 MPH) until l back off the throttle some. Shoud it not activate around 45 mph?

I plan to call the shop tomorrow to let them know of my issue and will be taking the car back tomorrow or Monday to get this resolved.

Just thought I ask if some of you guys may have an idea of what may have changed in the tranny? I did do a few 3/4 WOT blasts. But I can't recall exactly if I notcied this problem during while I was driving the car or after it was park.

Anyway, I hope I made some sense out of this.

Thanks guys!

I'm taking the car back to the shop to have it looked at on Monday. I'll post the findings to help others in the future with the same problems.

