New to the board and have a finiancing question


Jun 14, 2004
Hello everybody. I'm new here(sort of, I've been visiting regulary for about 6 months now)and thought I should introduce myself.
I never registered because I don't currently own a turbo Buick and felt I would be out of place. I did however own a hot air several years ago but that is a totally different story.
The reason I decided to register is that in about 4 months I will have gotten my ducks in a row and wil be shopping for a GN/TTYPE.
My question is abount financing. I'm self employed and recently incorporated. Because of this my taxes show I only make about 16k per year which I'm sure will prevent me from qualifying for any loan. Next year I will have a inc. tax return which will help but for now I do not. Has anyone else had this problem? If any members have any suggestions or know of any places that specialize in financing older cars(my bank is also scared of 10+ yeard old cars) it would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry this post is so long, its just hard to explain my situation.
You might do a search, there were some post awhile back about a company that financed older cars.

Good Luck!
what i had to do was get a personal loan. they never asked any questions i had the title the whole time and it was well over 5K and the car had over 100K i went to every bank i deal with and they all said the same story either half down and with well fargo i never even put any money down was very plesent and would do it again.
