New Business/Need a catchy name

"Ice Pops" and you can put a speaker and bells on your delivery van. You can call yourself the "Ice CREAM Man". :D

Seriously though, Good luck with the new endevor and remember, if you are serious about making it work then the worst boss you will ever work for is yourself.
Does your business deal with the storage, transportation, and production of liquid nitrogen, or do you buy it from another source? I think for expansion purposes you'll need a name primarily related to the production/storage/transportation.

"liquid nitrogen boils at 77 K (−196 °C; −321 °F) "

"200 Below" sounds Cool...

Nitrogen is Element #7 so you could do a play on that.

"Liquid Seven"

"Liquid Air"

"Liquid Air Movers"

I manage a welding supply store in CT and we fill liquid Nitrogen on site. I am able to get an unbelievable deal on it so this was a perfect chance to start something. I don't plan on leaving my current job(my father will take care of the delivery's during the week. If it all works out like I think it will I will need a few more people to service this big of a territory. And I can leave my current job. But again I like my job and don't plan on leaving any time soon. Oh and the names I like are:

Frozen Assets Cryo Service
NextGen Cryo Service
New England Cryo Service
NextGen Cryo Service LLC

Well if anyone is still interested I chose the name NextGen Cryo Service LLC. I have been in business for about 3 months and it is doing well. Word of mouth has really been great. I had no idea how many people breed animals! I finished my web site last night and we'll see how that affects my business. Right now this is a perfect part time job. I couldn't be happier now that I finally have something that I started for myself and my family. My sons love going out to the farms on the weekends and seeing all the different animals. I service farms that breed sheep,Llamas,goats,Oxen,cows,horses and one that uses Liquid Nitrogen for branding thier cattle. Pretty cool stuff. The only drawback is I can't enjoy my cars at all since I can't shove a 700lb Liquid N2 tank in the trunk. I would if I could!!!!!:D
NextGen Cryo

I couldn't keep the name since he is part of a global company. They decided not to service anybody who didn't spend over $2000.00 a year in bull semen that they sell. A lot of my customers don't even breed cows. So I am more than happy to service them.