Netflix = Thieves


Apr 18, 2003
Warning to anyone contemplating using these people. Here are some of the most decietful billing practices out there.

1. If you rent too much from them, they slow down sending you movies, from 2 day turn around to a week turnaround.

2. I have read dozens of complaints stating, when people cancel their account, suddenly they are charged for movies they returned that netflix says the never got back, at $32/disc.

3. To avoid #2, I was waiting till the recieved my movies back to cancel. I removed all the movies in my queue, which is the list the pull from to ship. I was always billed on the 3rd, and they should recieve my movies back before then. But upon removing my movies on the 26, I was billed on that day, 8 days ahead of time and before my month was up. Obviously a red flag goes up in billing when you clear your queue, a sign to them that your about to cancel, and they bill your for the next month, which according to them, they don't credit partial months when you cancel.

And forget the free trial, if you cancel before its over, the disc you send back will mysteriously disappear and you will be charged the $32/disc.

Just google 'netflix sucks' and see for yourself, one of the most decietful companies out there.
Wow, never had those problems.

Been with them 3 years now, my turnaround time used to be 2 days, but they built a new center around here, now it's a single day.

They never "lost" any of my discs, but 32 each, holy s***

I cancelled my old account with zero problems a while back, they asked me to send my movies back, I did so, and that was the end of that.
Yeah, I have to say I love Netflix also, 2.5 years, no problems, I have lost disks on 2 separate occaisions (kids), and never been charged, they sent an email saying that they expect some discs to be lost in shipping and as long as a trend does not develope I will not be charged.

Turnaround time for me is 1-2 days, and has been from the start. I checked my history and on month I had rented 26 movies, I don't have time to watch more than that, and that works out to $.69 a movie, sounds like a deal to me.

Also, midway through my membership, they lowered the price, can't remember the last time something got cheaper.

Back when I was with Blockbuster and Hollywood Video, the late fees were killing me, and their new no late fees gimmick just means if your movie is late, they bill you for the disc, and it means that if the movie you want is already rented, who knows when it will be back.

Sorry to dissagree, but I think Netflix is awesome.
We'll all I know, is when you get charged twice for one months service, thats theivery. They even DENY charging me in an email I got from them! Yet, its on my charge card. As far as turnaround, they're fine till you start renting more than 1 or 2 movies a week, google netflix and throttling, very well documented. Some might get lucky, many get ripped off, remember, its only money.....
As I said before, I got 26 movies in one month (last month) that works out to 5.77 movies a week (3 at a time, twice a week), and that number could not have occurred if they were "throttling my account".

Also, I forgot to metion that if you time your returns/deliveries correctly you are virtually guaranteed to get the new releases on Tuesday.

I understand if you feel wronged wanting to spread the word, but I feel just as strongly that if you get good service you should let people know as well, and in my experience NETFLIX was one of the best decisions I've made. Saves me time, late fees and gas.
RIGHT, like I said, its only money, going with netflix is just like gambling, some win, some lose.... good odds....