Nerd at cubs game-pic

hey someones misfourtune, lets all celebrate. :rolleyes: That guy is f'ed because sports are more important in this country than anything

what it should be is alex gonzales picture bobbling a ground ball which he is paid millions of dollars to catch. what is up with chicago, you have people run on the field and beat the tar out of a coach, you persucute someone for reacting to a batted ball comming at them and make that the cause for million dollar athletes giving up 8 runs in the most important situation in their career.
Originally posted by 88 CuttyClassic
hey someones misfourtune, lets all celebrate. :rolleyes: That guy is f'ed because sports are more important in this country than anything

what it should be is alex gonzales picture bobbling a ground ball which he is paid millions of dollars to catch. what is up with chicago, you have people run on the field and beat the tar out of a coach, you persucute someone for reacting to a batted ball comming at them and make that the cause for million dollar athletes giving up 8 runs in the most important situation in their career.

amen, so true , but not just in chicago its all over, i am rooting for the cubbies but they did themselves in yesterday no one fan could caz them to give up 8 runs, getting the "wind taken out of your sails" as a lot have said happend after that incident should not effect a team that much and if it does maybe they didn't put their heart into it
the thing about the chcago thing is if you are a player, you have a chance to come back for redemtion, that guy will forever be remembered for that. Thats a shame. Bill buckner, everyone thinks he blew the WS, it was only game 6 thou. Scott norwood, missed a long FG by a foot on grass to a great team. Its harder if you are a nobody. people forget sooo easy that barry bonds couldn't throw out Sid bream!!! But then again he's the greatest player ever :rolleyes:
LOL, what a dork. I watched the game and it was a bonehead move by the fan. He deserves all the scorn and the crap he gets in my opinion. Use your head for Christ sake! The people in the seats around him deserve a ration of crap also. How is it that someone, ANYONE couldn't see that dorko was going to try to catch the ball and drag his ass out of the way? Agreed the Cubs imploded after that and there is no way to totally pin that loss on the fan, but the fact is if he stays out of the way Alou likely catches that ball and the entire complexion of the inning changes in the Cubs favor.

All that being said.............from a bitter Astros fan..........BWHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!! GO FISH!!!! :D
Well, the guy showed all the mentality of a Yankees fan, but, to blame any part of this loss on him just shows that the Cubs are looking for a reason to lose any way. This was a foul ball. If the team was one, they would have recovered and gone on to win. They didn't just implode, they totally melted down and reconstituted as your average every year Cub's team. For anyone to suggest this guy changed the momentum of the game, same thing, you are looking for an excuse to lose and now have it. You all will be happy by just having been there. Maybe the Cub's fans can now see why Dusty Baker is the best coach that never was. He can't get the big one, but he is just happy to be along for the ride. One last thought though GO CUB'S
Originally posted by 2quiktocare
Well, the guy showed all the mentality of a Yankees fan, but, to blame any part of this loss on him just shows that the Cubs are looking for a reason to lose any way. This was a foul ball. If the team was one, they would have recovered and gone on to win. They didn't just implode, they totally melted down and reconstituted as your average every year Cub's team. For anyone to suggest this guy changed the momentum of the game, same thing, you are looking for an excuse to lose and now have it. You all will be happy by just having been there. Maybe the Cub's fans can now see why Dusty Baker is the best coach that never was. He can't get the big one, but he is just happy to be along for the ride. One last thought though GO CUB'S

Mark, we aren't going to agree on anything when it comes to baseball are we?? LOL :) How about we talk about who makes the best torque converter. I say PTS. What say you?? :D :D
AWWWW the poor cubbies!! the fan just made them loose its all his fault!! NO WONDER that they cant win a world series!!
LMAO Trbon8r, I didn't even know there was anything else. lmoa. Baseball is life for sure. I live for spring just for the season to start. I coached both my son's thru 17 years worth of little league and pony colt summer and winter leauges. Baseball and it's fans and philosphy is as varied as the number of fans. I always could never understand people going to an Angel's game and cheering for the damn Yankee. But you may be right, we may never agree on a team, but I think we both agree baseball rules. Mark

P.s. I should have you drop by and visit my old girl friend in Long Beach. She would probably give you a warm welcome. lol
The goofballs who buy sports memrabilia-spelling- will probably pay a good price for that ball sometime, for sure if the cubs go down. Who'll be laughing then.
Baseball Rules??? Give me a break!!!!!
Oh he threw the ball at me. Oh he sent the old man to attack me!!
Oh its raining I cant play!! Oh he spit that black discusting crud at me!! His sunflower seeds & gum are on my shoes so I have to go home now!! HOCKEY RULES!! Thats where a frozen puck in the groin or legs & a peice of lumber across the wrist is just a hello to the other team!! Those hockey players are underpaid & could kick any ball players ass 10x over!! Baseball is for guys who cant take real men sports like football (get head removed) basketball (a good elbow in the face) Hockey (toughest sports players on the planet!) Baseball is for overpaid wimpy ass baby's! Bye CUBS!!
LOL JMO of course!!:D ;)
Originally posted by Just a Six??
Baseball Rules??? Give me a break!!!!!
Oh he threw the ball at me. Oh he sent the old man to attack me!!
Oh its raining I cant play!! Oh he spit that black discusting crud at me!! His sunflower seeds & gum are on my shoes so I have to go home now!! HOCKEY RULES!! Thats where a frozen puck in the groin or legs & a peice of lumber across the wrist is just a hello to the other team!! Those hockey players are underpaid & could kick any ball players ass 10x over!! Baseball is for guys who cant take real men sports like football (get head removed) basketball (a good elbow in the face) Hockey (toughest sports players on the planet!) Baseball is for overpaid wimpy ass baby's! Bye CUBS!!
LOL JMO of course!!:D ;)

Just what we need, opinions from the "soccer on ice" crowd. :rolleyes:
Those people that are Nerds resent the fact that this person is being categorized with them. Especially when said person is obviously a jacka$$. Thank you.

This Public Service Announcement brought to you by someone who actually gives a crap. :D
Poor guy, I feel sorry for him...

I don't think he did anything that any of us that would have been there would have done, (instinct). In any event, if Chicagoans don't want him, the local Mayor has offered him exile and a job in the Public Works Dept., not to mention free housing for years to come.

Was he the "GOAT" re-encarnated ? That's the word down here. Kinda feel sorry for the poor guy...

Oh yes, one more thing...

Ha mentality of a Yankee fan? Yankee fans are awesome have you ever been to a game at Shea Stadium ? The last Mets game I went to it was soooo boring !! Yankee fans are cocky since we have the team with the best World Series records (no one even comes close) I dont care if we lose the ALCS, as long as Boston doesnt win the world series . Boston sucks !!!!!
Trbon8r, we have another thing to agree on. Ice hockey is soccer on ice. LMAO. Ice hockey was invented so people that don't have a real spring, summer, and fall had a "sport" to play. Ice hockey?? Just one step away from the WWE.