Need tips on swapping my radiator


New Member
May 16, 2005
Hey guys...

I'm swapping out my radiator for another stocker in my 87 GN. I figure it's pretty straightforward, but whenever something seems easy, I always run into an unforseen problem or 3.

Any tips or tricks to make this as smooth as possible? I'm sure you guys have done this before, so let me know what I may need to know before I dive in.

Thanks... :biggrin:

If I use the baggie method on the cooling lines, I won't have to drain the oil or tranny fluid, right?

Also, should I remove the fan completely, or leave it hanging while I remove/replace?

Another quickie, I am replacing my t-stat/housing same time...any hints on this? seems pretty straightforward, but do I need gaskets/sealant or anything?

Thanks for the help everyone.
Mine was fairly simple, just try keep mess limited. Best I remember, the coolant doesnt go straight down, likes to run along bracing - so you'll need a big drip pan under your catch can (I use cat litter box for a catch can). I like to put carb vacuum plugs on end of transmission, etc. lines to restrict fluid spillage (oh, & don't forget that trans fluid will try to come out of the pass side tank, so plug it). Hardest part is keeping from bending or loosing pressure from AC lines as they lie right on top of radiator top plate. Try use the old fashion antifreeze, don't think supposed use the new zillion mile stuff.
Don't remember about T-stat, seem's also straight-forward. Good Luck.