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Red was banned from the board

Im going to be nice about it but all other members that think its wrong should let their oppinion be heard
What the heck is going on? I'm on here a lot and I've never seen Red do anything too bad!!
If you do a little bit of a search on his username you will see that he is trying to post these pictures from a site containing a "racist" word in Jason's opinion. If he had done it once and was banned, I would side with him. However, he posted time and time again knowing Jason didn't want it. He also could have changed the location of the pictures. I think he should be given a second chance, but I also believe he was in the wrong. This is Jason's board. Please don't make this a huge deal.
your an more attention

they were moved to another board and a link to them

alot of people want to see them and the fastest way to get them out is to put them in more than one section because the half black and half philipino guy who is hosting them is taking that server down either friday or saturday

he made his own nickname ( n i g g a p i n o ) nobody else

so REDS the racist again ... :rolleyes:
Take a hint.

You are not welcome here. You have pushed me far enough and I have had enough of your crap over the past two years. You don't respect me which means you don't respect this site that I try to provide for people.

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