my gn was stolen last night

leo wagstaff

beer is on ice!
May 25, 2001
and right from gateway international raceway:mad: iguess no place is safe anymore:( i just hope it was for a joyride and the fact it was almost out of gas when they took it. anyway anybody in st.louis please keep your eyes peeled for a gn with fake gnx wheels 87 grill wth 87 engine and a dale earnhardt sticker in the back window along with a #29. hunting season has just begun:mad:
Damn man,,,sorry for the loss.

Will keep my eyes peeled in Kansas for you.:mad:
Sorry to here that your car was stolen. I live about 15 minutes away from Gateway International Raceway. I never had any problems out there. I'll keep an eye out for you though.

Man, sorry to hear that:( Isn't that the second TR stolen in St Louis in a month??
That is just wrong! Were you racing and it was sitting in the pits?

I will keep an eye out over here...I'm just West of St. Louis.
Originally posted by rob nolan
I didn't here about the other one stolen.
I'm sorry, that was Kansas City.

This scares me b/c when I go to the track,I leave my keys in the ignition sometimes. :eek:
sunday night and still no word:( the thing that really gets me is that they saw the two guys take off out of the place and tryd to stop them but they did not call police untill I discoverd the car was gone. this was about 2 hours between that time. you would think security would call police right away:confused: well I am going to get another gn asap-not going to let them take away my fun;) next time around there will be a anti theft measures that will be a little more extreme.
Originally posted by leo wagstaff
next time around there will be a anti theft measures that will be a little more extreme. [/B]

You didn't have any to begin with then?
Originally posted by gordyzx9r
You didn't have any to begin with then?

*****I think many people don't until they have a car stolen or broken into. I know several guys who have had their highly modded car stolen in my area, and none of them had any form of anti-theft on them. It's so easy to put in a kill switch, or other such simple device, and the average car thief won't take the time to figure out why the car doesn't start. The car will have to be towed away. Maybe $3 in parts to hook one up.

I'm sure there are several people on this list who read about all of the stolen Turbo Regals on this site who still don't have a simple kill switch or other device on their car.

It's kind of like eating well and exercising - everyone knows they should do it, but almost nobody does until it is too late.

Montgomery Village, MD
Originally posted by MaxVO2
I'm sure there are several people on this list who read about all of the stolen Turbo Regals on this site who still don't have a simple kill switch or other device on their car.

Actually, it's all the horror stories of stolen TRs that led me to using multiple kill switches and spending a small fortune on an alarm system. What worries me is if people are still able to bypass those and still walkoff with someones TR.
Originally posted by gordyzx9r
Actually, it's all the horror stories of stolen TRs that led me to using multiple kill switches and spending a small fortune on an alarm system. What worries me is if people are still able to bypass those and still walkoff with someones TR.

*****If somebody really wants the car they will take it of course.. However, if you have even ONE kill switch on the car that isn't plainly visible with a big sign on it saying "Kill switch", that car is going to have to be towed away or carjacked.

Even someone who knows a lot about these cars would have a tough time finding which circuit has been interrupted, fix it or bypass it, and starting the car and taking off. I'm comfortable working on cars, and could easily hot wire a turbo regal within a few minutes (a thief does it in seconds after busting the column...), but if someone throws in a kill switch somewhere, it's gonna take me a long time to figure out what's up, even if it's bypassed somewhere easy like under the dash in that rats nest of wires, not to mention having to pop the hood or trunk if something has been bypassed there.. Good luck if you aren't VERY familiar with how TR's are wired up. A smart person can figure it out, but it will take a LOT of time, especially if more than one circuit is bypassed.

I think people give car thiefs more credit than they deserve. I think It's mostly kids looking to joyride rather than the professional chop shop guy glorified in some movies that are trying to steal our cars... Chances are the big time thiefs aren't going to bother with a 20 year old Buick, especially if it's primered, with bucket seats, and oil leaks everywhere... :)

Everyone should have a kill switch or some other device in the car to thwart the typical joy-riding thief, and a blown headgasket, bad MAF, or engine in pieces in the garage to thwart the professional... :)

Montgomery Village, MD
sorry for the loss, i know the feeling, i just had my truck stolen 2 weeks ago in south county. I am definitely going for a few theft deterents with the new truck.
ouch man, that's horrible. Hopefully you'll find it, and still all in one piece :(

I feel bad enough when someones car gets broken into, I couldn't imagine the feeling of one getting stolen from the parking lot.

best of luck.

Sorry to hear about the car. That sucks. Good luck with recovery :eek: or finding yourself a new one to play with! :D