My first Buick and 18th birthday present!

nice your like me my first car was a grand national but i got it when i was 15. great looking car.
hello people; You must be a spoiled brat but your parents must luv you alot. Don't get bent about my comments and good luck. You got yourself as fine looking Buick.
hello people; You must be a spoiled brat but your parents must luv you alot. Don't get bent about my comments and good luck. You got yourself as fine looking Buick.

umm sir i am actually far from a spoiled brat and i am not being conceded either... I helped pay for it hence why i said my parents helped me pay for my first buick!!!!!!!..... with my 4 years in high school i maintained 4.0, graduated summa cum lade and I am in currently in virginia on a golf scholarship... im pretty sure i worked hard at every aspect to get this car.
how dare you say not to get bent on your comments your just jealous and i am very offended by your comment
hello people; Well now it took you long enough to cum back and I knew something would be said. And as I said "don't get bent about my comments".
see ya good luck and keep it on the fairway.
hello people; Well now it took you long enough to cum back and I knew something would be said. And as I said "don't get bent about my comments".
see ya good luck and keep it on the fairway.

Sorry i have that thing called a life......i am just appalled that you would call me a spoiled brat and you were very out of line for doing so..... next time if you have to write "don't get bent about my comments" at the end of your sentence shut your mouth!!!
hello; Sounds like your pretty bent. And I like that. Computers are such that you can say just about anything you want and it's usually all BS. Being so smart you should know that. But if it unbends you a bit I'am sorry for my comments but I still have my own opinions.
hello; Sounds like your pretty bent. And I like that. Computers are such that you can say just about anything you want and it's usually all BS. Being so smart you should know that. But if it unbends you a bit I'am sorry for my comments but I still have my own opinions.

go take a long walk off a short pier... im glad you get enjoyment off of stuff like that... great people skills dude.
Well, lucky that you have the luxury of having parents with money. I however, have worked since I was 11 to save up for one of these Buicks. It took me almost 5 Years to finally have almost enough money to buy one in good enough condition to drive, and enjoy. I say almost because I still am a few off. My parents can't afford to help me get the last bit of money, and I still don't have enough to insure my car if and when I get it. How long did you work for your car? How much did you actually contribute? I bet not nearly as much as I have worked for this.


P.S. I turned 16 today. There is no Buick in my driveway.

im sorry you feel like that... i do alot of detail work and have worked at a few dealerships around the area as well.... I actually gave a number in the 5 figure range so yes i did actually contribute more than you... go sell your sad story somewhere else
Oh my. I said I doubt you worked harder for the car than me. I get 5$ an hour when I work. So for me to get up the 7500 I have saved so far, has taken me almost 1500 Hours of my life of hard labor in gardens, mowing lawns, helping out people, working in greenhouses, shoveling drive-ways, and washing cars when I could, among many many other things. And like you said about grades. I work my ass off in school also. I have a 4.0 GPA taking all Honors and AP classes when available, doing mandatory volunteer community service, and helping out in the office of the school when needed.


why would u tell somebody that i doubt you worked harder for your car than me... that is so disrespectful on so many levels.... i should be the one that is offended not you, you commented on my post trying to tell me in other words you deserve my car more. get over yourself troll
Yes, That is exactly what I am saying. Simple as that, It's not fair that when you work for so long, and so hard for something and someone easily gets there hands on it, and one better than you could ever get. Your post has been eating at me every since I saw it. At first I was happy that you got one of your dream cars, then it slowly started to seep in. And now I have snapped. You have 3 Cars now, and I have none. It just doesn't make sense to me at all.


you know what dude your a troll im sorry that you are so jealous of me... maybe its just not in the cards for you..... i get that todays your birthday but that dosent give you the right to tell me that i don't deserve what i have and have put effort into getting.... my mustang was a father son frame off restoration.... both of my brothers get the same treatment and one just started his and my camaro was paid for cash by me myself and i.... get a grip dude
Yea I know I know. Just a little annoyed that the one thing I want isn't going to happen for a while. I'm sorry.

Yea I know I know. Just a little annoyed that the one thing I want isn't going to happen for a while. I'm sorry.


its ok apology accepted... there is a right way to do things and a wrong way... yes you can vent and talk about life but try not to demean someone in the process.
btw happy birthday!
Thanks Guy, and good luck with the car. The GTA wheels are awesome with a Black car! BTW, You should post some pictures of the 'Stang. Some people here like those too.

Whoa...heavy thread, lots of emotions getting thrown around here...

Anyway, I'm sure the point of you creating this post was to introduce yourself and your car to the Buick community, not to get ragged on for what you have or how you got it. All walks of life from all areas and all ages are represented here, but we all dig TR's and thats what brings us all here.

I for one think its great when a young person not only respects and admires a classic car like this one, but enough so that he or she is willing to work hard to own one! Most 18 year olds dream about owning brand new Corollas, Civics, Scions or Mustangs and here you are buying a 23 year old car just because thats what YOU wanted. My hat's off to you bro!