More Stupid Democrat Criticisms

Originally posted by suprbuick7
and you also "presume" certain facts in your argument. Clinton might have asked the Saudis for help, before realizing that the offer was BS. That would make him preemptive (something GWB didn't learn until after 9/11.) in trying to line up help before to get that a$$hole (which he would never have gotten anyway, but we will rush to their aid anytime because we are their b!tch ) Do some homework on who really ran Sudan the pieces don 't fit to support your argument.

When did he realize the offer was BS? in 2002 he was still saying Sudan offered OBL to us and he pleaded with the SAudi's to take him. Hmmm... that's after 9/11 and clinton was still believing the offer was valid.

Originally posted by suprbuick7
That was a nice clear recording too.( my nephew's Speak and Say learning gizmo makes moreaudible recordings that the GOP's best In this day and age that is the best they can utilize?

I'm sorry the recording wasn't up to you high standards. It's audio from a camcorder.

That is right out of the Democrat playbook: When you can't take the message, go after the messenger. I guess when the messenger in Bill Clinton, you go after the qualtity of the recording device :rolleyes:
You asked for proof and when I give it to go into denial...Guess its your conservative upbringing..

Do me a favor UNGN: put your GOP hat down for 1/2 hour and read the last two chapters of Clarke's book .Thats all. Tell me if this guy is a complete liar, most of what is said in the book are facts that have been all over the news since I can remember. He criticizes the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, Clinton and Bush. but you guys show how small minded you are by doubting every thing he says in 30 years of service across many administrations. You might actually add credence to your arguments.

Fox News vs. CNN, MSNBC: Fox puts on the same three guys who pat each other on the back by Dem bashing

CNN/MSNBC: have Dems and GOP actually sitting next to each other debating the issues
I would hope EVERYTHING clarke says wasn't a lie. Clarke's recollections of some events differ from what people from both political parties remember, however. If he makes up little stuff, he can make up big stuff, too.

Where in Clarke's book does he discuss the Millenium Bomber plot? Who discovered the Millenium Bomber and how? What did they find on the millenium bombers person? Tell me what **** clarke said and I will tell you what the people that were actually there say.

I'm not wearing a GOP hat. I'm wearing a common sense hat. Lots of whining about "Bush Lying" but when Clinton or Clarke lie about something (and I even post the audio) all I'm hearing is how "Bush Lied" or "you are just a sheep".
Get a clue

"That interview did absolutely nothing to prove your point"

That interview wasn't aimed at you Lefties. You can't change a closed mind, no matter what is said.

The news conference was called to discuss the current events in Iraq and yet a full 20% of the reporters asked the President to apologize to the American people for 9/11. It started with the very first question. Another 20% wanted the Presiden to name or admit mistakes in his policies.

The President called that news conference to tell the world, and especially those who are fighting against us, that America will not turn tail and run from this fight,,,,,,,,,again. Respect in the Arab world is earned with courage and that is something we showed to be in short supply in the past.

Our media and the Democratic party are dividing our country on this war for political gain during an election year. The President stood in front of them and said he doesn't do it for the polls. He does it because he believes it is right.

It is hard for people who can accept a leader who takes both sides on an issue, some times days apart, that we have a President who stands firm on his beliefs.

Freedom is endowed by our creator. Can you believe he said that? Could you ever believe Senator Kerry saying it?
Both sides of an issue: post 9/11 Bush against the Leiberman act/ homeland security act but it's OK for him to change his mind and get behind it once he realized that it would pass congress? Looks like a flip flop there
What do you have to say now?????????
Bush's flip flops

Bush is against campaign finance reform; then he's for it.

Bush is against a Homeland Security Department; then he's for it.

Bush is against a 9/11 commission; then he's for it.

Bush is against an Iraq WMD investigation; then he's for it.

Bush is against nation building; then he's for it.

Bush is against deficits; then he's for them.

Bush is for free trade; then he's for tariffs on steel; then he's against them again.

Bush is against the U.S. taking a role in the Israeli Palestinian conflict; then he pushes for a "road map" and a Palestinian State.

Bush is for states right to decide on gay marriage, then he is for changing the constitution.

Bush first says he'll provide money for first responders (fire, police, emergency), then he doesn't.

Bush first says that 'help is on the way' to the military ... then he cuts benefits

Bush-"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. Bush-"I don't know where he is. I have no idea and I really don't care.

Bush claims to be in favor of the environment and then secretly starts drilling on Padre Island.

Bush talks about helping education and increases mandates while cutting funding.

Bush first says the U.S. won't negotiate with North Korea. Now he will

Bush goes to Bob Jones University. Then say's he shouldn't have.

Bush said he would demand a U.N. Security Council vote on whether to sanction military action against Iraq. Later Bush announced he would not call for a vote

Bush said the "mission accomplished" banner was put up by the sailors. Bush later admits it was his advance team.

Bush was for fingerprinting and photographing Mexicans who enter the US. Bush after meeting with Pres. Fox, he's against it.
"It is hard for people who can accept a leader who takes both sides on an issue, some times days apart, that we have a President who stands firm on his beliefs."

Silver, you lose all credibility after this statement. I guess you will have to stay home on election day
Apologize??? your guy is infallible., never misleads with statements(WMD) . "doesn't answer questions posed to him"- GOP leaders said that today on the news. repeats the same answer to completely different questions.
It takes alot of courage to talk tough? He is doing what he needs to, to survive politically. Noone from either party is fool enough to turn and run now that we are in this deep

You really think he scares the fundamentalists? I took you for smarter than that. dying doesn't scare them, they want to be martyrs

To me he sounded unprepared like the slow kids in English class. Too bad Reagan couldn't school him on public speaking
Originally posted by BGN8711
I've never seen a bigger bunch of babies or hypocrite's than the republicans on this board. “Now, he participated in a joke about not being able to find WMDs. Oh!........the tragedy of it all.” (I see you’re obviously a student of the George W school of grammar and spelling – a similar IQ maybe? The word is spelled tragedy.) That’s funny that when republicans lie, it’s all a big joke. Haha, it’s so funny that 600 Americans and 6,000 innocent Iraqi’s are dead. How comical. And I guess, in your mind, those of us who were against the war (and were right about trusting the UN inspection team’s assessments of Iraq’s WMD capabilities) are still considered unpatriotic and “against the troops,” even though our approach would almost certainly have saved many of our troop’s lives and almost 200 billion (so far) of the taxpayer’s money. Do you realize how little sense this makes?

Maybe instead of writing posts that are pointless and ignorant you should open your ears, close your mouth and listen to everyone - not just your war loving social group. Bush is not a good president, period! (This is not arguable. He is not a good president, so don’t even try.) And, remind me, why can’t we complain about the poor leadership of our current administration? Isn’t the ability to speak out about your government one of the most important and cherished American freedoms (that is, if the so-called Patriot Act doesn’t destroy this freedom along with all the others it’s destroying)? Oh yeah, I forgot - we can’t complain because you, the almighty “red regal T” said so. Take your own advice and get a life. Or better yet, go join the army and then let your hero George W decide how you spend your life. Good luck!

Sick of this crap,

P.S. I will not post on this thread again for I feel there is no reason to waste my time arguing with you. And, in case you didn’t know, that turkey that Bush was carrying to “feed” the troops WASN’T EVEN REAL. Kind of like the WMD’s…

Let us remember for a second. 1964, Vietnam. A lot of good that did us. Started by democrats, and continued by democrats, even though highly opposed by their largest voting class. The average working man. It only cost $350 million at the expense of 60,000 deaths. By ridding Saddam of his throne at the expense of $300 million and 500 deaths, if it even reaches that, I am a lot happier than to keep throwing the lives of Americans into a war that cannot be won. Sure, the war on terrorism can't be won in the respect that all terrorists will be rounded up and shot, everyone knows that. It can be held in check though, and that is a victory in itself. If good ol' Clinton would have kept his pants on in the oval office, we might not have to remember 9/11 as a tragedy, but a normal day in our lives. Iraq and the nonexistent WMD's is the only leg the democrats have left to stand on. The Dow is back up over 10,000, unemployment is going down, etc. You have a point throughout your entire post, but you need to remember the other side of the story, which is often forgotten

This is in no way disrespectful to anyone who served in Vietnam. I had a great grandpa in the civil war, a grandpa in WWII, a grandpa in Korea and an uncle in Vietnam. I thank you all for your service.
Re: Get a clue

Originally posted by Silver 6
"That interview did absolutely nothing to prove your point"

That interview wasn't aimed at you Lefties. You can't change a closed mind, no matter what is said.

The news conference was called to discuss the current events in Iraq and yet a full 20% of the reporters asked the President to apologize to the American people for 9/11. It started with the very first question. Another 20% wanted the Presiden to name or admit mistakes in his policies.

The President called that news conference to tell the world, and especially those who are fighting against us, that America will not turn tail and run from this fight,,,,,,,,,again. Respect in the Arab world is earned with courage and that is something we showed to be in short supply in the past.

Our media and the Democratic party are dividing our country on this war for political gain during an election year. The President stood in front of them and said he doesn't do it for the polls. He does it because he believes it is right.

It is hard for people who can accept a leader who takes both sides on an issue, some times days apart, that we have a President who stands firm on his beliefs.

Freedom is endowed by our creator. Can you believe he said that? Could you ever believe Senator Kerry saying it?

David, as usual you have hit the nail on the head. A couple people here just can't get it. I guess they'd believe in the tooth fairy if the liberals would run him. :rolleyes: Maybe a good dose of phonics would help them, but I don't think so. :p
Hey robes, your figures are a little off . It is costing us Billions of dollars not 300 million and the death toll is well over 500. So much for a humble foreign policy. We should have attacked Afghanistan with the same or more vigor than we went into Iraq just after 9/11. Instead Bush talked to the taliban. Why didn't we close down that country, invade it w/ overwhelming force and bomb the sh!t out of it immediately? to decapitate OBL/ Taliban/ alQueda. Can some of you GOP answer this please? Instead we attack a pathetic despot who posed no imminent threat to us. This war in Iraq is BS. We have opened ourselves up to more domestic attacks because our leaderships failure to see the real problem
Robes wasn't the Viet Nam war, a war really a war between Communism( Russia) and Democracy (US). with real nuclear weapons and the fear of total annihilation at stake. Don't compare the reasons for going to war then to the reasons given now.Tthat was the cold war this is a misplaced action in the supposed war on terror.
Re: Get a clue

Originally posted by Silver 6

It is hard for people who can accept a leader who takes both sides on an issue, some times days apart, that we have a President who stands firm on his beliefs.


Mr. Bush’s reneging on a promise to fully fund the Low Income Home Energy Assistance program (LIHEAP);

Mr. Bush’s flip flop on apologizing to China when China forced a US spy plane to land without permission; and

Mr. Bush’s flip flop on the abortion issue. Mr. Bush once said that the abortion issue should be left up to the woman and her doctor. Now, of course, Mr. Bush claims to be pro-life
"Robes wasn't the Viet Nam war, a war really a war between Communism( Russia) and Democracy (US). with real nuclear weapons and the fear of total annihilation at stake."

Vietnam was not a real war, it was a police action. It was started under the premise that "We would stop Communism from spreading into southeast asia". Russia was supplying weapons and so was China. There was no threat of the use of nukes. If we would have occupied North Vietnam, China probably would have advanced accross the border and then we would have had another Korea. That may have triggered the use of nukes. Thank god we didnt.
Fear of communism was the underlying premise for this action, just as fear of WMD(haha) was used to heighten the so-called threat of the iraqi people.

Rhetoric, Rhetoric Rhetoric!
Relax suprbuick7, I'm on your side...Just wanted the facts stated correctly.

Bush lies Again and Again,

WASHINGTON - Once again, President Bush misspoke on a weapons issue, telling the nation that 50 tons of mustard gas were found in Libya — twice the amount actually uncovered.

The White House moved quickly Wednesday to correct the record, with press secretary Scott McClellan seeking out reporters to point out the mistake. The president should have said in his Tuesday night address and press conference that 23.6 tons of mustard gas were found in Libya, instead of 50 tons, McClellan said.