Looking to buy new wheels for GN 18's... What do you think...


Dec 16, 2012
I found these on the web and was planning on powder coating the spokes black and leaving the rest chrome.
I have lowered the car 2" all around and was planning on running 245/45/18 in front
and 265/40/18 in rear??

What do you guys think?


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I think they'd look very nice if you had disc brakes at all four corners. Otherwise, you'd be seeing too much of the drum in the rear.

Happy spooling.

Mike Barnard
Sorry to be a Donny Downer but I speak from some experience here and Powder Coating won't be an option. Powder Coat won't adhere to chrome and unfortunately, it is usually impossible to abrasive blast chrome off without damaging the porous metal, usually aluminum, the wheel itself is made of.

If any porous metal is exposed, the coating will "pop" during the baking process and leave ugly marks similar to paint fisheyes, only uglier and there will be no wet sand and buff process to fix them.

I can assure you you won't be satisfied with the result.

You can have the chrome and nickel chemically removed before they try to PC them but even if this process could somehow be accomplished without exposing porous metal somewhere on the wheel face, I'm certain you'll quickly find out it would be completely cost prohibitive.

But I could be wrong.
I think those Boss wheels are WAY nicer than the first ones. The first ones look dated, maybe because of the crease in the spokes.
You can use plasti-dip over chrome. It will stick to anything and not hurt the finish. You could actually peel it off if you don't like it or want to sell the wheels down the road too. I've used it on my truck grille bumpers and all of the plastic pieces on the exterior. Very chip resistant also. Will be doing my wheels with it soon. People actually use it to protect wheels in the winter from salt and crap. Grab a can and do some experimenting. Good stuff.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
You can use plasti-dip over chrome. It will stick to anything and not hurt the finish. You could actually peel it off if you don't like it or want to sell the wheels down the road too. I've used it on my truck grille bumpers and all of the plastic pieces on the exterior. Very chip resistant also. Will be doing my wheels with it soon. People actually use it to protect wheels in the winter from salt and crap. Grab a can and do some experimenting. Good stuff.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app

I didn't even think of that!

That stuff IS pretty cool and even if he messes up, he can just peel it off and try again.

It's pretty inexpensive, too.
Anyone of the forums have a boss 338 Wheel on their car? and If yes can you please send a couple pics??