Laptop recommendations for WinALDL

GN Bob

Jun 13, 2002
I am about to download WinALDL for trouble shooting driveability related issues on my 87 GN with 187,000 miles on it. Just wondering if the IBM Thinkpad is a good laptop for running WinALDL.

I'd also like to know if there are any particular models that people have had trouble establishing a connection with.



I can get an IBM Thinkpad 380E for a good price but wanted some opinions first, I'm sure most any laptop would be fine. Thank you for letting me know.


I can get an IBM Thinkpad 380E for a good price but wanted some opinions first, I'm sure most any laptop would be fine. Thank you for letting me know.


A 380E is a pretty old laptop. I think it's a 166MHZ processor with Windows 95.Depending on what your going to use it for will dictate if it's worth it. It's a pretty slow computer so I wouldn't pay too much for it. If your going to use Powerlogger I would get a newer laptop using Windows XP. Windows 95 will support DOS based programs like Direct Scan where Windows XP won't.
Yes, the 380E is definatly an old relic which I got for only $50. All I need it for is to run WinALDL with Windows 95 to work on the car.

As far as the Powerlogger are you are referring to the data logger within WinALDL or is that another program ?

Also, if you made the cable yourself, did you need to use the 10k ohm R3 resistor across pins A & B ?

Thanks again for your help.

Yes, the 380E is definatly an old relic which I got for only $50. All I need it for is to run WinALDL with Windows 95 to work on the car.

As far as the Powerlogger are you are referring to the data logger within WinALDL or is that another program ?

Also, if you made the cable yourself, did you need to use the 10k ohm R3 resistor across pins A & B ?

Thanks again for your help.


PowerLogger is a far more powerfull data logger that connects directly to the ECM, not the ALDL port. You will never see real time data on the ALDL port, and with a data rate of 1.5 seconds per frame :eek: , you're missing more that 80% of what's happening.

Data loggers like Direct Scan, and the similar but even more powerfull Powerlogger connect directly to the ECM's address and data port, receiving real time data at 18 frames per second