Just wondering...


New Member
Jan 8, 2004
Hey guys,

I am currently running a 93 octane street chip on 100 octane gas, seeing about 20psi of boost. Car seems to run great. Just wondering would I see a difference running on 93 and like 17-18lbs like the chip is designed for or no. Just a thought Thanx
Well stay on 100 and run 20-21 pounds of boost for the most power with a stock turbo or if you got some thing bigger you can run 22-23 if you got a knock gauge to make sure it's not knocking.;)
Im on a PT54, with 55's, etc etc. I see like 19 20lbs normally or on cool nights ill see tops 21 22lbs. I have a scanmaster still to go in. Thanx
Im on a PT54, with 55's, etc etc. I see like 19 20lbs normally or on cool nights ill see tops 21 22lbs. I have a scanmaster still to go in. Thanx
