Just curious... Avg Age of TB users

I doubt Shane will ban either one of us for some mild trash talk kid. LOL You got me on the correction though. Have a good night.
all I know is that there are alot of you guys that are some serious HILL-BILL-LEES!!! lol! I have family from the south but they don't even compare. I've talked to some of you guys on the phone before and the southeren twang was so crazy I almost laugh thinking your trying to mess with me, lol!
somebody needs to start a post a pic a yourself thread:smile:
just turned 85. I've been marking off all the digits on my speedo in the tb for every birthday. now what'll I do :confused:
Please God NO! I don't want to see you heels and a miniskirt.:eek: You're distrubing enough as you are.:biggrin::tongue:

in full makeup too. and what's really disturbing... is I can skin a buck, run a trot line, or pull a engine, just as good if not better than anybody on this forum:eek::):biggrin:
bout to be 32 in sept. , wow, dont know what happend to 30 and 31! seems like the pace picks up after 30.
I'm 51 and the first time I was exposed to a GN was in Germany in 1987. Late in the summer to fall time frame I saw 3 black GN's in the military community where I was stationed. I have wanted on ever since but the timing has never been right to buy one.:frown:
I'm 33 up here, a year ahead of you GNGAL. I got my GN when I was 22 and don't know how I survived the first 5 years before my son was born! So whats the average now?
It was my senior year in HS in '87...got my 1 and only GN in '91 when I was 21 years old, owned for over 19 years now... Bought the TTA on 1-1-01...almost 10 years.
Just turned 41 TODAY....dam how time flies...I thought my GN was still new :D

GNGal, when are you gonna post up some more pics?:(

I'm exhausted man... been traveling since the Power Tour. Just got back from NYC and heading out again... to germany/france/Italy for 2wks. I get back just in time for MidWest meet in Chicago... then I can relax and to another photo shoot. Hope'n to do some pics in Chicago... so, nothing new til mid Aug.