JOKE: How Many Forum Members Does It Take....

LUMINAIRES. A complete lighting unit consisting of a light source such as a lamp or lamps, together with the parts designed to position the light source and connect it to the power suply. It may also include parts to protect ther light source or the ballast or to distribute the light. A lampholder itself is not a luminaire.

From the national electric code 2008

They want it to be used internationally so they made the change from lamp to luminaires

It depends what you read and when it was printed. No hard feelings, Polzin pokes fun of my grammar and spelling all the time.
me threee!

Are you freakin kiddin me?


5 years!

I'm sending this to my dad! He's pretty bright!
I found it by accident and brought it up a few years ago just because it reminded me of some of the "advice" threads.It's still funny.:biggrin:
If said lightbulb, light bulb, or lamp is to be sold, a price must be posted. Thats the rules :biggrin:
this was to ''Fn" funny. i laughed at my desk here at work... but its so true. i had a thread up on a warning back in december of a stolen gn. and i still get ppl writing on it. its funny how the dead threads just wont stay dead. but this is just to funny BRAVO, for this.
LUMINAIRES. A complete lighting unit consisting of a light source such as a lamp or lamps, together with the parts designed to position the light source and connect it to the power suply. It may also include parts to protect ther light source or the ballast or to distribute the light. A lampholder itself is not a luminaire.

From the national electric code 2008

They want it to be used internationally so they made the change from lamp to luminaires

It depends what you read and when it was printed. No hard feelings, Polzin pokes fun of my grammar and spelling all the time.

"Luminaries" still would not have been correct in the original post. You were asking about an output of light - and that is a lumen. For example, substitute "light fixture" for "luminaries" and see if it makes sense, e.g.,

Original post: Whats the output in luminaries ?
Substitute: What's the output in light fixtures?

Lumens is the correct word.

Thanks for adding the NEC/NFPA definition to the mix though - we are all a bit "brighter" now.

As previously stated, all in the interest of the original post on this topic.

How about jokes about light bulbsssss

A man is disgruntled at work and wants the day off but has no time on the books. He sees the boss coming in so he hangs from the ceiling. The boss says what are you doing up there?? Guy says, I am a light bulb. Boss says, you are stressing out, go home and rest. Guy starts to leave and the lady in the office gets up to follow him. Boss Says, where are you going? Lady says, home, I cant work in the dark.