jack cotton

Jack will flat out hook you up! He is by far the best TR vendor i have done business with. I am doing turbo business with him now, and i will continue to purchase stuff from him. Not only is he good to do business with, his products are the best i have seen!
Originally posted by JCotton
Damn...... I'm almost overwhelmed here, no doubt alittle surprised to see this thread at this moment. Just when I was not feeling too good yesterday, this pops up. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the good words.

Looks like somebody's got a case of "Bweavy-itis".
Stay the heck off this thread you big dope.
We're talking about you,not to you!:rolleyes:
I bought an exhaust system from him a number of years ago when he first started selling his "own". He took good care of me and I'd deal with him again with zero reservations!
I just got my engine rebuilt from jack over the christmas break from school. The car runs amazing. Much more power with the same setup I had before. Jack did very fast work, but I can't say the same for the machine shop. I've had the biggest smile on my face for the past few days driving the beast around. The cold air is rediculous.
The machine shop he uses is first class, and does mostly if not all buick v6 motors,It is a one man operation,(the way i like it)So there isnt to many hand in the pot. Ive been using that guy fir about 11 years now and never ever a problem with his work
Originally posted by KLHAMMETT
The machine shop he uses is first class, and does mostly if not all buick v6 motors,It is a one man operation,(the way i like it)So there isnt to many hand in the pot. Ive been using that guy fir about 11 years now and never ever a problem with his work

Would this be Bob in Conn:confused:
I got a picked up a converter from jack in an urgent situation and he came thru for me. I'm also running his FMIC and CPT65 turbo. As you can see from the sig there's plenty more left in it. His products perform at the track and on the dyno.

Hope to see you in Bradenton!

John Antoniades
Props For the Man

Not that anyone has asked in a while but we all to often forget about the real soldiers out there. I am fairly new to the T-Type crowd and have found Jack's knowledge and assistance in getting my ride on the road to be priceless. Everything in the Signature is ala Cotton's and that was after many painful phone conversations. After all he had to convert me from my ways with my '93 GSX Eclipse. I still bought me a blow off valve, he couldn't take it all out!

As we enter into 2006 a toast to Jack, let's support those vendors out there supporting us.
just thought I'd throw in my 2-cents...

I met Jack a few years ago at a little Buick race event down in Ennis, Tx. He didn't know me from "Adam", but he was as nice a guy as you could want to meet. Was very friendly and willing to chat and answer all my newbie Buick questions. Wish I had more time to talk to him. He's one of the real "Gurus"!

Richardson, Tx
ditto. Very willing to help me authenticate my car before I bought it 4 years ago. Took the time to talk over the phone with me.
Wow!!!!! Great service, a nice guy and smokes good cigars. You guys convinced me, I will be calling Jack in the next couple days to buy some parts with my christmas money.

Lets see.......... Racegate, test pipe, crossover :D

I'll send you a check along with an Ashton

Paul Brelie
86 GN
66 Riv GS
holy old thread :eek:

Jack is a good guy for sure but I really think its that great woman he has keeping him strait :cool:
JCotton said:
Damn...... Just when I was not feeling too good yesterday, this pops up. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the good words.

I'll fix that.....

OK seriously, is Jack perfect? Of course not. But Jack is honest, wants to do the right thing for YOUR car and what YOU want and not what the herd of board buffalo say. It's hard to find honest car people period, never mind being lucky enough to work on our TR's.

See you in Agawam!
I met Jack at this years nats, and I could not believe how this guy just stopped what he was doing just to talk to my wife and I. Cool guy!