Is this UFO thing national news?

I seen this in my backyard the other day- "Cloverfield!" Yikeees! (Notice how all this talk of aliens comes out around this alien movie time frame??)

I remember the summer of 76:cool: Was it blotter or micro-dots:rolleyes: I did a lot of shrooms and I know that just isn't possible! That window you were looking out of was pane. huh Did all four to that window I'm sure. I remember talking to an entire pit party in Il. Had everyones attention till I mentioned Apollo Creed! Lost with that. Have you ever seen the rings around the moon?

uh huh 4way window...yeah you were space station#9..seeya next time around
Keeper of many secrets....

PS: Note my avatar pic.....

I always wondered about your avatar. :eek:

I've seen a few strange things in the sky but nothing too crazy. I think a lot of "footage" out there is either faked or just something that could be explained, but with that said I don't think we're alone in the entire universe either.
Good stuff! I love these topics! Once again it is big brother keeping our eyes shut from what is going on... Nothing new I suppose :frown:
UFO caught on film

I still dont think this is fake...see above link
That is definitely not faked. The aliens are so many light years ahead of us that it only makes perfect sense what you see in that clip! I live right next to the USAF/Naval base and ocassionaly see a flying GNX smokin the F16s a new F22 easily :D
Remember when the earth was flat? Oh wait, I mean do you remember when EVERYONE THOUGHT the earth was flat?

I'll wait until there's some real evidence.

What strikes me as funny, is there's always colored lights around the outside of these craft. I can only assume the space government has lighting requirements while travelling interstellar. :rolleyes:
Man Ive been through Jersey...No wonder they stay away:biggrin:

There's too much light pollution and other human made stuff clogging up the skies in New Jersey to spot anything unusual anyway. :rolleyes:

Anyone ever see the movie "Fire In the Sky"? I saw it in the theaters a long time ago. It's based on a true sory of an alien abduction and it's an awesome movie. I highly suggest renting it. If your'e on the fence about aliens, it will really make you think.
UFO caught on film

I still dont think this is fake...see above link

Way to fast to be a UFO! :D

I'm not Mr. UFO advocate, but to think we are the only ones in this vast Universe is uncomprehensible.
There are more stars than grains of sand on Earth. Most are capable of sustaining a Solar System much like our own. Some 'Earths' out there could be young and in their prehistoric age. Others could be thousands of years more advanced than us.
Man, We are primitive. We only use about 12-15% of our brains capability. We roll around on rubber tires and look like a bunch of ants from above.
To think this is it just doesn't cut it for me.

I don't need proof. All one needs is a minimal amount of knowledge of space, basic common sense and a open mind. ;)
I gotta agree with you Rob. There's too much sh!t out there to assume we're the only ones livin'. The only thing I don't understand is how they can't make sure that they aren't detected by humans. I think some of these cases have to do something with top secret gov't bs. But you have to be crazy to think there's no chance of intelligent life other than us.
Let's put it this way. In Patrick, we should trust:D

I'm with you Drip Pan and Bass.
Drip Pan, be careful if you do decide to go through with hypnosis, it might drag up some very unpleasant memories.

Boy the things I could tell you guys about.
I won't go into it on a public forum tho.
Let's just say, I've been quietly spreading my thoughts on this subject for years since my time in service. And yes, I do have friends who are non believers on this subject. It's very hard to convince those who won't even open their eyes or their minds. Or even for one second try to take the subject seriously. Sigh.......

So here goes.
For all you non believers out there, here is some homework:

The late Lt. Colonel Phillip Corso

Robert Lazar

John Lear

David Adair

Robert Dean

And finally, The late General Walter Haut and his recent affidavit released shortly after his death.

Study up, there will be a test on this in the not too distant future.....

Keeper of many secrets....

PS: Note my avatar pic.....
Hmm, Airforce announces yesterday that they are developing a hypersonic bomber..goes 10,000 miles in less than 2 hours ..maybe thats what they saw flying out there that was leaving the fighter jets :confused:
sometimes when my girlfriend wakes up she has a resemblance of a alien. Maybe she is one, thats why they all have to put "thier face on" in the morning..... strange :rolleyes: