Is this UFO thing national news?

will the truth ever be told?

Story of a friend of mines grandpa hunting with 4 other guys up in Catskratchewan when they came face to face with something about 8ft tall and ugly, one of em shot ole Sasquatch right between the eyes, he said it just bounced right off of it then it just turned around and walked away.

Since it happend back in the early 50s he never told a soul for many years.

So who knows whats going on with anything. got these cryptozoo guys trying to chase down some lost monkey and most calling it a hoax yet the native indians handed down storys of it for 1000 years. and thousands of people look up and see things plain as day yet its all a weather balloon.

And last but not least, Most dont believe a puny little V6 can run like it does untill they see it for themselves.
Makes one wonder! Here's one of the best recounts of the Texas sighting I've read! Environment Environment

Many of the descriptions on there are EXACTLY what I saw. But what I saw was confirmed to be Afterburners and Flares.

The time of night was the same, too, just after sunset. Even the people doing the afterburning and flaring are the same people these people witnessed: F-16's out of the JRB Carswell.

I'd like some of the size estimators on there to look up and tell me how large the airplanes that fly over them are. I bet they wouldn't even be close.
UFOs/aliens are definitely real. Theres so much evidence out there its not even funny..:eek: As an example, just look at all the old nasa mission footage, theres always crazy circular objects flying around in almost every single space mission..Why do you think NASA doesnt broadcast any of the missions anymore?? Its because the aliens are always flying around in them and they dont want the public to question what these objects are and cause a mass panic...
If ufos exist, then they have to have the technology to transend our understanding of time and space. You have to be able to travel stellar distances in seconds, I guess everyone already knew that.
I'd sooner believe in a ufo than a angel.. Worm can has now been opened. RUN!! the fan is running and the 5hits getting ready to fly.
The aliens can manipulate gravity, which bends space and time. Also, they can essentially make themselves massless, thats how they can do those crazy 90 degree turns in the sky and not get killed by the g-forces. Thats also how they can travel faster than the speed of light and make it here from solar systems sooo many lightyears away..:cool:

Someone's gotta be a pea-brain not to think theres no other life out there out of the zillions of solar systems/planets out in space..Just think, they are probably 1,000 's of years ahead of us in technology in order to visit us from other planets..
Just think, they are probably 1,000 's of years ahead of us in technology in order to visit us from other planets..
But they keep coming to our low tech world..maybe to try and learn how those black brick 4 wheels travel so fast on land :D

With most every star in the sky potentially having planets orbit around them I'm sure there are thousands of worlds much like our own, the basis of life would still remain the same..some probably thousands of years behind us as well as ahead.... I sometimes stare into space out on the lake at night and just wonder where the end of the stars and space would be...if you traveled in one direction many times the speed of light to the end of..the universe and many universes beyond..just what would the end be???
and just how did it all come about...
A very close freind said he and 8 fellow workers saw a black triangular UFO not too far from here. He swears that it made no noise, blackened the sky and was at least two football fields long. When it decided to leave it was incredibly fast. All the way around the edge were multi coloured lights. The back had large red circles that looked light thruster engines. He is one of those guys that doesn't make stuff up. It is very difficult even today for him to talk about it. He is nervous and is always afraid someone will think he is crazy. This happened 15 years ago. Whenever I read something like this , it always makes me wonder if the truth will ever be told.

Not to creep anyone out, but I've had an encounter I rarely talk night a friend of mine got me pretty juiced and he started talking about ET stuff and I got real quiet...he asked me what was up, so I "gently" went into what happened in the summer of 1976-- after 10 minutes he was freaked out not only with what I'd said, but my physical appearance...I had turned absoutely white, was shivering like crazy, and had basically gone into shock. I really try not to think too much about because if I do these symptoms return; in fact, my skin is starting to crawl right now. BTW, I am highly educated and I am not making this stuff up.

The bad part is, I remember pretty much everything, except for the really bad sh-- which I think hypnosis might uncover. Frankly, the thought of doing so intrigues me, but scares the hell out of me at the same time. My dog was incapacitated, and I wondered what was going on outside my window, as there were all these weird lights outside my window and above the trees...I pulled the curtain back (stupid move)...looked out and down a little bit as the house was on a raised foundation (stupid move #2)....and not three feet away looking up at me (more like THROUGH me) is, um, "not" a kid in a Halloween costume. :eek: I whipped back and slunk out of bed to the floor thinking I'd crawl out of the room when a voice clear as day said in my head, "Running will not help;we can see you..." and I FELT as though I was being tracked right through my freaking bedroom wall...."Go lie back down" commanded the voice.....and I did....and waited...the light in my room got intensely bright, and I thought I glimpsed something coming through my sliding door which led out to our patio...a my room, hard to see now....

The next morning I got mom said, "Well, look who's up finally!" It was NOON, and I thought it was 8.

If you think that's somewhat freaky, imagine it being 15 years later and you're having dinner with a client in San Diego at the Robert E Lee restaurant. Both of you watch through the large window as a helicopter goes by with its lights on, and as it passes your client says out of the blue for no apparent reason, "You've been 'taken', haven't you? I can tell..."

At any rate, chalk me up as someone who has a difficult time believing "weather balloon" stories. :rolleyes:

With my luck, ID be abducted, they'd extract my jizz, then 10 yrs later id get hit up with 10,000 child support claims for a bunch of dumb alien teenagers that just hang out all day in the saucer getting stoned
The ones that mostly come here are the "greys", the typical ones you see that are grey with a big head. Supposedly, their species is dying out and they come to earth to try to extract DNA from us so they can reproduce (thats why they like to visit our low-tech planet)....This was told to a guy that was supposedly abducted from a different alien species from his house a few years ago. It does make sense through, because all the ones that have been coming down here are the greys and they are always trying to do reproductive experiments on the abductees. Also, these aliens only communicate telepathically with humans and amongst each other..

I believe you Drip Pan, that mustve been a spooky experience..:eek:
Wild & Cool story Drip Pan. I'm not a doubter. I thought I saw something when I was a kid of about 8 or 9, middle of the night it looked like a saucer in the front yard, but it's been so long ago now that I think that it may have just been a dream.
The ones that mostly come here are the "greys", the typical ones you see that are grey with a big head. Supposedly, their species is dying out and they come to earth to try to extract DNA from us so they can reproduce (thats why they like to visit our low-tech planet)....This was told to a guy that was supposedly abducted from a different alien species from his house a few years ago. It does make sense through, because all the ones that have been coming down here are the greys and they are always trying to do reproductive experiments on the abductees. Also, these aliens only communicate telepathically with humans and amongst each other..

I believe you Drip Pan, that mustve been a spooky experience..:eek:

Honestly, I have tried to rationalize it as some weird dream, spiritual experience or maybe even a peeping tom or burglar, but the problem is it's too vivid, the figure was too short, it wasn't pleasant, there's too much detail I recall (heck, I can't remember dreams I had a week ago), and it was over 30 years ago but it could have been yesterday. My Welsh Corgi used to sleep on my bed with me, and he was totally conked out-- in fact, I touched him to make sure he was still breathing.

What I saw outside the window fit the profile of BASS's post. Two days later I went and stood outside my window in the same spot just to get an idea of the angle, and the window ledge was above me. I never said anything as I thought my parents would laugh at me.

For those of you who are Star Trek: The Next Generation fans, you may recall the episode where the not-so-benevolent aliens from the parallel dimension scoop up Cmdr. Riker and Worf for several nights, and in an effort to recreate their experience they go to the Holodeck and reconstruct everything they can remember. The first time that episode was broadcast I had to turn it off midway through, it as it made me feel far too uncomfortable. I've also had follow up recurring dreams over the years where I imagine a shape and like a football glowing thing above me and I'm trying to scream; and part of me thinks that could be the really bad sh-- trying to surface.

Gosh, how 'bout them Patriots?? :cool:
It's only a matter of time now.

I'm with you Drip Pan and Bass.
Drip Pan, be careful if you do decide to go through with hypnosis, it might drag up some very unpleasant memories.

Boy the things I could tell you guys about.
I won't go into it on a public forum tho.
Let's just say, I've been quietly spreading my thoughts on this subject for years since my time in service. And yes, I do have friends who are non believers on this subject. It's very hard to convince those who won't even open their eyes or their minds. Or even for one second try to take the subject seriously. Sigh.......

So here goes.
For all you non believers out there, here is some homework:

The late Lt. Colonel Phillip Corso

Robert Lazar

John Lear

David Adair

Robert Dean

And finally, The late General Walter Haut and his recent affidavit released shortly after his death.

Study up, there will be a test on this in the not too distant future.....

Keeper of many secrets....

PS: Note my avatar pic.....
The problem with the paranormal is when something like this event in Texas is totally and completely explained and all parties involved, including the pilots are totally up front and honest about it, the nutjobs still think there is some kind of conspiracy.

Because someone was abducted by aliens doesn't mean every time F-16's light their afterburners and drop flares at dusk it's aliens.

As I said earlier, I saw this exact Phenomenon last summer and it was very impressive, but it wasn't UFO and aliens.
Not to creep anyone out, but I've had an encounter I rarely talk night a friend of mine got me pretty juiced and he started talking about ET stuff and I got real quiet...he asked me what was up, so I "gently" went into what happened in the summer of 1976-- after 10 minutes he was freaked out not only with what I'd said, but my physical appearance...I had turned absoutely white, was shivering like crazy, and had basically gone into shock. I really try not to think too much about because if I do these symptoms return; in fact, my skin is starting to crawl right now. BTW, I am highly educated and I am not making this stuff up.

The bad part is, I remember pretty much everything, except for the really bad sh-- which I think hypnosis might uncover. Frankly, the thought of doing so intrigues me, but scares the hell out of me at the same time. My dog was incapacitated, and I wondered what was going on outside my window, as there were all these weird lights outside my window and above the trees...I pulled the curtain back (stupid move)...looked out and down a little bit as the house was on a raised foundation (stupid move #2)....and not three feet away looking up at me (more like THROUGH me) is, um, "not" a kid in a Halloween costume. :eek: I whipped back and slunk out of bed to the floor thinking I'd crawl out of the room when a voice clear as day said in my head, "Running will not help;we can see you..." and I FELT as though I was being tracked right through my freaking bedroom wall...."Go lie back down" commanded the voice.....and I did....and waited...the light in my room got intensely bright, and I thought I glimpsed something coming through my sliding door which led out to our patio...a my room, hard to see now....

The next morning I got mom said, "Well, look who's up finally!" It was NOON, and I thought it was 8.

If you think that's somewhat freaky, imagine it being 15 years later and you're having dinner with a client in San Diego at the Robert E Lee restaurant. Both of you watch through the large window as a helicopter goes by with its lights on, and as it passes your client says out of the blue for no apparent reason, "You've been 'taken', haven't you? I can tell..."

At any rate, chalk me up as someone who has a difficult time believing "weather balloon" stories. :rolleyes:

I remember the summer of 76:cool: Was it blotter or micro-dots:rolleyes: I did a lot of shrooms and I know that just isn't possible! That window you were looking out of was pane. huh Did all four to that window I'm sure. I remember talking to an entire pit party in Il. Had everyones attention till I mentioned Apollo Creed! Lost with that. Have you ever seen the rings around the moon?