injector/ecm upgrade woes


Jun 22, 2001
Hey guys, I have a bit of a thread going in the General Tech section about this right now, but I figured I would get your personal experiences. As seen here:

The cost of upgrading the injectors for our cars seems pretty cost prohibitive to me. How do those of you with late model chips in your stock hotair ecm, how do you like them? Do you feel limited by the scantool updates?

Thanks for the help guys.
Maybe Im missing something, but I dont really see the big deal with upgrading your injectors :confused:
Yes there is an issue with scantool data with the 84/85 ECM. I recently mentioned this in another thread where I actually went somewhat in depth about the upgrade procedure, just to show how simple it was . I would opt to upgrade the ECM even in a stock car due to the advantages.
The majority of the cost to upgraded injectors is the price of the injectors, period. ECM swap is CHEAP. $10-15 tops for ECM from junkyard + free MAT sensor (and plug) and get some wire/solder. With the new ECM, chip availibility is not an issue (this is another advantage). I had one burned by Joe Lubrandt for $50-60. It is not necessary to change the MAF sensor, although the experience BY SOME is that in cold weather starts the car seems to idle a bit better with the 86/87 one.
Just my 2cents. Like I said, maybe Im missing something. Just dont see what the big deal is to solely upgrade the injectors. Sounds like your wanting to do more than just the injectors and that you are including in your projected price the cost of items that are not mandatory for a simple injector upgrade (i.e. cant include scantool price which will be needed regardless). Heck, its not even mandatory that you change the ECM just to change the injectors, only the chip. Although, as already stated, I would highly recommend it.
My inclusion of the scantool in the above link was only to show the mass amount of things that a simple megasquirt box could replace.

I don't feel safe using the hotair maf with the later setup. They are different. I also don't want to pidgeonhole myself into a stock intercooled maf because they are out of production. Therefore, if I am looking at this in the long term, it makes sense go to with a translator and a f-body maf.

The maf is the largest issue when it comes to the cost when the upgrade is done in a manner that I would feel comfortable with. So, to propery complete an upgrade, i am looking at:

60 -- ECM MAT Wiring
150 min -- Translator (no timing)
100 -- maf (approx)
25-120 -- chip

If I keep thinking long term, the extender (120) chip makes the most sense. However, I can burn my own chips and could probably stick with a 50 dollar version to start. The price is still fairly prohibitive.