Individual Cylinder Monitoring

For the "average guy" EGT is something to discuss, but very seldom an issue since the engine is not at WOT for very long?

My heat gun is used often to check each cylinder temp as it warms up, and if there is not a drastic difference in one or more cylinders, all should be good?

If it has an aftermarket ECM, it may be possible to "adjust" or calibrate each injector. With 6-700 RWHP race cars, we did not have a concern for exact cylinder balance.

With a 900 HP or so, then dyno testing and EGT monitoring would be a smart choice for dialing in the engine and tune.
When you drastic difference what would be drastic? (6-700 RWHP)
I do not get concerned until the difference is 100-150 degrees less, then I check out that cylinder.