I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

With Biden dumping the pipeline, it now puts pressure on Trudeau to really crank up the Alberta oil sands. Prosperity will return for Alberta. The Alberta economy has been dead for awhile...this will wake it up. As much as Trudeau is Green...he'll have to give in. At the end of the day, Biden has prolly done us a favor.
Especially with the new processes for extracting oil from the sands using a lot less water. The pipe line would of been great to transport it to the southern refineries in TX and LA.
There's a reason he knows not...
He's the resident moron, and wouldn't remember, if the document was on a teleprompter. This asshole is just signing the orders, written by his handlers.
Think about that, for a minute. 17 in the first day, and 10 the next. One can only imagine, how many the handlers are scripting, on a daily basis.
The pattern is so obvious. The handlers have the list of the orders, issued by president Trump, and many other "ideas", that "need to be addressed".
The plan from the gitgo was/is, it makes no difference what the previous order was, remove it.
Nothing more than repeated shots @ president Trump, and the Republic.
Remember, as the president said: "They aren't after me. They are after you, and I'm just in their way".
He was right.............Again.
This is socialism 101.