I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

There was a guy here that was making his own and selling the stuff probably 20 years ago. I mean some really powerful stuff. Anyway the police got wind of it and holy cow, you'd think they just caught bonnie and clyde in one. The guy only needed a couple months to get his pension so his lawyer got him that time to finish and then he got some time in the big house and a hefty fine. And I do mean hefty. OK, so give him a fine but there are bigger and deadlier fish to catch then waste precious time on small fry.

Sky bound explosives can carry some hefty fines and sometimes even jail time.

I "know some guys".

Who knows, maybe they will get a TV show like those laughing known as "MoonShiner" fools... like that shit is real..... along with the Street Outlaw guys......... Oh, THAT'S real!!!!!!!!!! LOL.

Digger my ass!

And the "outlaws"?

Pro mods. period. All of them.

How can a REAL street guy show up and even have half a chance?
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That was a couple months ago and started buying a can of their stuff almost every trip now. This guy deserves the Medal of Freedom.
Great quality stuff.
BTW, the CEO posted that earlier today.
OK, so give him a fine but there are bigger and deadlier fish to catch then waste precious time on small fry.
^^^ SERIOUS overreach. :mad:
NE1 see the article on the LEO, that got 10 yrs for turning her canine onto a wetback burglar?
That's a true small fry vs 'da gubment", story.
COP Sentenced to 10 Years for Dog Bite - Police Forums & Law Enforcement Forums @ Officer.com
She did the time!
Now, she is asking president Trump for a pardon.
Think this country is in trouble, now? Watch a conservative news channel, in about 18 months.
Sumting wong Bitem, and the whore, are about to take us on a ride we may never survive... Short of open rebellion, that is.
Not election related but still thread appropriate considering what the country is coming to...
I have to admit though, what Crowder does makes me smile.
