I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

And then you woke up. You can thank me when President Trump "is" sworn in for his second term on January 20th and keeping any kids or grand kids you have from being slaughtered in another useless war for tptb and mic like he has the last four years.
I know, Trump invented "the" covid just to piss demonrats off. haha.
I truly feel sorry for people with so much delusional hate, and their next 4 years dealing with anger.
I wish things were going to turn out good, however it’s gotten pathetic now.
looks like Lindsey is going to be investigated now. Turns out there were two others on the phone call that’s backing up what he was asking of that Sec.of State in Georgia. This has taken on a life of its own, Getting stupid now. Where is this going to end. I watch on the Congressional feed today, now Rubio is now saying President-elect Biden. He has joined Collins, and others.
What this man fails to understand is that one day, hotdogs will not be enough. He will simply disappear one night never to be heard from again.

Fore sure, they can be extremely vicious sometimes especially if they have kittens. After the ice storm of 91 one somehow got into Dad's attic. Went up with the .22 and it was right above me near a small hole 2" round it made. Stuck the barrel up there and it latched onto it so knew I wasn't dealing with an ordinary raccoon. lol. Going up there I knew what the tunnel rats must have been doing. Anyway it got real quiet and I went to the other side and there was the biggest one I've ever seen nursing it's young. Put 2 stingers into it and took both hands to carry it out. No, I didn't kill the 4 kits, took them to a DEC person that takes care of young animals and they thrived she said. They are loving if got when young and purr like a kitten when pet.

That is freakin hilarious, he shit himself on national TV in front of millions. You can tell it was the explosive diarrhea too. Too bad a republican wasn't there to turn him around for all the see the huge wet spot. And nyc just re-elected this turd. :ROFLMAO:
You can tell it was the explosive diarrhea too.
There are "medical terms" used to ID the precursor to such an occurrence..
Tear ass
Fizz fuzz foo
Jack the ripper
The part of that vid, that made me gag, was Piglosi coming up behind him, and taking her mask off.:LOL: