I think my caps drained my bat

88 CuttyClassic

The Enviromental Hitman
Oct 30, 2001
I had my SS sitting for a month and a half without out starting her and i think my capacitor drained my battery cause i never tripped the circuit breaker for my system when i parked it. Is this possible? Its the only thing right now that i can think would have drained it that bad. I didn't have my alarm activated so i don't think it was that. Could the cap pull current even with the car off?
No, can't be the cap. It is not a load. Only a load draws current. Your alarm is still drawing power even in valet mode, just not as much. The only other items I can think of that draw current even when not active are the radio, amps, and ECM. Basically anything that requires a constant power source and contains semiconductors.
any parts in your car that have constant power do not necessarilly pull current the constant power souce is there only to maintain memory, if you doubt it check the so called draw that you may be haveing with a good meter you will see there is little if any draw at all. Constant power is there only for memory.
any parts in your car that have constant power do not necessarilly pull current the constant power souce is there only to maintain memory,
If it is maintaining it through a constant source then it is drawing current, minimal though it may be. If there is some reference to ground (ie semiconductors between - and +) then current is moving.

If your letting your car sit for over a month I would disconnect the negative post. Any good car alarm automatically goes into trip mode upon being powered up. So if someone connects your negative post the siren should go nuts and ignition be locked out.