I screwed up my friends ROCK BAND disc for xbox360


May 4, 2005
Didn't think it was that bad until I looked at it and it's got scratches all along the outside of it. I lifted the xbox up at an angle when I was plugging it into the tv. I'm not electronics stupid or anything, we were all drinking a little on my birthday. Beings I did it I feel obligated to take care of the situation. It's not that bad but it won't let the game startup at the song pick menu. It works on my friends but not on his because he has the old version 360 and has even tried cleaning it. He's gonna try getting it warranty but I got a feeling it won't happen, even though I've had a lot of people tell me they have had theirs scratch up without even taking a disc out. (not my case here but thoguht I would throw it out there) Are there any new versions of the disc out? How much is the single disc? Anyone out there with some input let me know. DId a search and the net don't have too much besides chat on it.
Fair use rights will permit you to own/download another copy if yours is damaged. Not sure about copy protection needing the original disk on those. Do you have the packaging? Return it to walmart or something and say it doesn't play in the Xbox and you would like to exchange it for the same thing. Worth a shot.
there are lots of ways to polish the disk back into shape. Depends how deeply it is scratched but you might want to try some toothpaste rubbed from your finger. I've also used brasso and mothers polish but those are a little more aggressive.
I work at a library and we have a really bada$$ disc re-surfacer. If all else fails, send it to me, and i will clean it up for ya and send it back.
If all else fails that wouldn't be a bad idea. I'm gonna call him today and see if he wants to try getting a warranty or see if we can get Wallyworld to swap it out. I'll report back. Any more words of wisdom are appreciated.
there are lots of ways to polish the disk back into shape. Depends how deeply it is scratched but you might want to try some toothpaste rubbed from your finger. I've also used brasso and mothers polish but those are a little more aggressive.

This really works, saw it on youtube and tried it myself.;)
it has to be toothpaste, i.e. not gel, you want the white stuff with a little bit of grit in it. There are some that are more gritty than others.
Got it to work. DId the old slobby spit and wipe with the cotton tshirt. WOrks now:cool: ROcked out tonight actually. I got some pics from the party of me and a fwe friends playing. I'll post 'em if I figure them out or just put up a link to them.