I need some real help and support, Please


Apr 16, 2008
Here's what is happening.
My 7 y/o son has missed 43-46 days of school so far this year. I live 5 counties over, or I'd go get him and take him myself. He has a speech problem, I managed to get him into and take him to speech all summer long 2 summers ago, last year was wasted trying to get his insurance to cover it- i fought with them all summer, he did NOT get speech therapy.
I spent all last year trying to get him into speech and spec ed at school. It was delayed b/c his mother kept rescheduling and missing the meetings. They finally decided to just deal with me. Now, he is in speech at school, but he misses too much school. His mother has been to one conference this year (We have had at least 8 conferences this year). I have the minutes from the meetings showing who was in attendence at the meeting.

Now, since he was 2 years old, I have been fighting for him. The first time we brought up attendence, he was in pre-K and missed 60+ days (if i remember correctly) and almost lost his Lottery funded slot, The only reason he didn't was b/c i stayed so involved with them. But it is not required by law that he go to pre-K, so leagaly- it didn't matter if he went or not. There went $5,500 for the lawyer plus other costs. Now attendence matters, and I have something that shows a pattern. 26 days missed last year, 40+ days missed this year.

I don't know what to do... I'll write more later, but it's coming down to money.
I got the courts paid, I'll only owe the lawyer another $1,000.00 - he's finally capping his fee for me after 3 years, lol. But all my witnesses, which i need are backing out. his teachers, the speech therapist, the sexual abuse therapist, I basically have a great case, with expert witnesses already having seen him. I have no way to finance this to get the outcome i need i'm afraid... The courts are weighted in the woman keeping the child where she lives. If I don't win now, I won't be able to afford to get back to where i am now.
Most lawyers will take payments and witnesses can be issued a subpoena.
Court systems are always weighted towards the mother in this country and it's really rediculous. Fortunately things are starting to change though. Dads arent always counted out as good parents any longer. Are you married now? Do you have a good healthy household that your son could live in? Dog? Yard? Good neighborhood? No drugs/alcohol? How does your living situation compare to your son's mother's? These are all things that you need to compare and if your ex's living situation is better than yours, change that! Start trying to better your livelyhood in every way so you can show the court system that. With the poor lack of effort that his mom is showing at school, it probably doesnt end there and home life might not be good either.

If you love your son, which it shows that you do, fight for him. It's going to cost you but if you can prove a better life for him, you might have a chance.
lol, I've been paying the lawyer.. you know the 2nd lawyer...
If you don't show up on a subpenoa, nothing happens
expert witnesses don't testifiy for free.
and records aren't admissible w/o the person that wrote it, keeps them, etc.

Here's the best part. I'm disabled and live on $800.00 a month.
Kidney failure and bone disease, nothing to hinder me raising a kid..
to date i have spent somewhere between 10k and 11k on this, not much- but i'm supporting a wife, a 2year/old on my income.
it was scheduled for the 9th in superior court,
but we decided to transfer to juvvie court b/c the judge has dealing with his mother in the past.

The teachers today said that it is coming from up high (school board lawyers maybe) for them not to have any contact with me or my lawyer.
They did also welcome a subpenoa, but did say that they may be forbidden to go, and they are very worried about their jobs.
I give it to them, they have already faced many risks for my kid, and are very concerned about his education and well being.

i don't play the lotto, but at 500million tonight, i guess i should.
Damn that's harsh. Sounds like you're between a rock and a hard place. Although I do agree with jdpolzin that things are changing as far as traditionally courts siding with moms "just because." I feel like I hear a lot more cases of kids being taken away from unfit mothers, and dads getting custody for any number of reasons. Just remember, it all really depends on your lawyer, your judge, and your state's laws.

Best of luck.
yep, he's in the worst place. Clayton County, Georgia
The school system had lost acreditation once or twice a year ago.
I also think that is where CPS removed kids from holy-rollers for spanking them, and one of them died in foster care.

It's been a roller coaster ride, it starts looking good, then someone throws a wrench in, and we end up running around like headless chickens trying to come up with a solution.
Teachers would make the best witnesses, but i can't count on them showing, and i don't have a backup plan yet that i feel comfortable with.
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I didn't seek out these ppl b/c they could be expert witnesses. They were used b/c they are the best in their field. When your kid can't talk very well, it ramps up the experience and speacialty-ness? of there services. These ppl are getting more per hour than the lawyers charge. I'll try to find the witness packet one of them gave me, i think she got 3,000 as retainer and 900 for every hour she wiated in court. that was the sex abuse therapsit, i think speech was 300 per hour.

When i took him to speech, i know the lady had 2 other kids moved to a different therapist just b/c of how bad he was talking.

It is actually hard to find ppl that will see a kid that can't talk, The shrink i finally found for him(that would see him w/o referring to specialist, was 70-80 miles away. in atlanta that can be 2- 2.5hours. i took him all summer twice a week.
I just got off the phone with a guy i used to know, he was going throught he same stuff.
I remember hearing about this on the news, but didn't know it was him.
when he showed up to court, his ex was literally passed out on the courthouse steps with a needle hanging from her.
Because he worked a nightshift, the judge wouldn't give him custody, but instead ordered his ex to undergo treatment, which he says she only went to 3 meetings and that was it, no one was to follow up with her. he said kids are now almost fully grown, but he never got custody. He did say that he doesn't think the kids came out to bad, but still.....
Cute kid you got there! My son is 4 and is still a little young to be around the cars much. I plan to get him in the garage a little more this summer and teach him a little.

I really dont have any good advice that may pertain to your situation but I can tell you are a caring father and I really hope that things come together for you as well as your son.
well i found a direction....
school's social worker is the one that leagaly should be filing charges in juvvie court, not sure why he isn't.
it seems that he is the one who dropped the ball. Now to figure out how to get him to do his job.

i should be in court in less than a month, please let me be prepared.