i caught the bastards~!!!


Senior Member
May 26, 2001
i have been having a big problem with this. it seems that i have had mail problems with things missing, it makes me look a fool to people. i found that the kids getting off the bus have been stealing my freekin mail! i have had lots of people mad at me for not sending $ when i did, and this was the problem. what should i do? should i call the school or the cops? maybew i should follow the kids home and bitch their parents out!i don't know.:confused:
You need to consult the parents first, reminding them that it is a Federal offense. Action photos would be your best allie. I don't think they will give you much grief. Kids will be kids though; I did things I am now not proud of.
It would be very helpful if you caught them in the act and provided some proof (like a video tape) before you made any accusations.
i will try the pictures !

i actually saw them thru my front window, open the box and walk away!
I've had the same problem! Wow, I would have liked to have caught them too and beat them to a pulp. We made a police report and someone reported our mail was in their front lawn and had been tore open. If you get pictures, call the police, and press charges! That's a federal offense and they could possible steal your identity if they took certain mail. We had to cancel all our accounts and get new checks and everything! :mad:

Contact your local police and/or post office. You can get the number to your local postal inspector from the phone book or post office. Make it official, you still have the choice whether or not you wish to follow through with criminal prosecution since YOU'RE the victim. This needs to be reported officially.
Are they young, or are they teens??? You have to be careful if they are teens, if you mark yourself as a neighborhood bastard, yourguarenteed eggs coating your house every hell night, If they were teens, I'd get em on tape, then confront them telling them you have evidence, tell em you used to do the same crap and let em know the tape is going to their parents, and the police if it happens again............If its little kids, just go to the parents with the tape.
I've been a deputy sheriff going on 13 years now, I don't recommend confronting anyone yourself. If you insist on not notifying the authorities then contact the parents and bypass the kids. All it takes is for them to accuse you of threatening or grabbing them. Puts you in a VERY bad positon since they're juveniles and you're the adult.

Don't confront the kids!
im a mailman & hate these situations

get a mailbox that locks after your mailcarrier puts mail in it , and if you have mail to be sent out, give it to your mailcarrier or drop it off in 1 of the corner mailboxes(better safe than sorry). you should report mail theft as soon as you see it, and video tape someone tampering with your mailbox. call the postal inspectors right away cause these situations cause more problems than people think. its a dam shame parents dont teach their kids to respect other people's property. let the postal inspectors confront the kids parents.
Re: im a mailman & hate these situations

Originally posted by fighterjet gn
Get a mailbox that locks after your mailcarrier puts mail in it.

Great ideas!

Where do you suggest finding one of the locking mailboxes?
you could get a PO box. Only thing is, you have to go to the post office to get your mail.