Howard Stern Show

Originally posted by Russell Stover
don't know if it is working or not Click here

This is an obvious example of GOVERNMENT CERSORSHIP!!!!

Oh, yeah, and its all Bush's fault.
Originally posted by UNGN
This is an obvious example of GOVERNMENT CERSORSHIP!!!!

Oh, yeah, and its all Bush's fault.
It's us 'rich white elitist guys' doing all that we can to keep everybody else down.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Russell Stover
Click here

I think my mouse is broken.. I click anc click and click..... nothing

maybe post the whole link or read what it is prompting you for more carefully.Click Here

That is a wonderful example of how stats can be made to say anything you want them too....

I guess we should just leave it up to stern for pick our prez from now on....hell, im sure he can make the numbers say if he were to run, he would win.....
I used to listen to Stern and probably still would if the New Orleans stations still carried his show. I am also an advocate of free speech.

Having said that, it pisses me off that Stern has tried turned his own personal pissing match with the FCC into something more than it is. Stern and his ilk have "pushed the envelope" of public decency and made millions doing it. They had to know that there was a "line" out there that, if they ever crossed it, would bring serious consequences. Well, they finally crossed that line. And while Stern is certainly not the only, or even the worst, offender; being the biggest, most visible member of that group carries with it the risk of being made the an example of when the ca-ca hits the fan, so to speak.

He'll get no sympathy from me.
I think Stern is funny personally (I rarely listen, though), but his diatribe against Bush is confused.

Kerry has come out in favor of ALL the FCC restrictions Stern rails against. He needs to be careful what he wishs for and direct his energy toward congress, where the REAL pressure is coming from.
I personally think hes a prick. I used to listen to him too but if hes going to bash Bush all the time now then he can forget it. It was mentioned that Kerry is in favor of the FCC regulations so why is Howard going with Kerry. A few months before he got booted from clear channel, he was in favor of the war and even said Bush did the right thing, now hes going back on his words. I will not listen to his B.S now and i hope he will loose fan support. Dont get me wrong i am in favor of the free speech, But hes gone too far.
Leftists are running this country down the drain. Stern is a Leftist. Supporting leftists will destroy this country. Stern can have his show, but really, isn't there anyone else you can listen too?
Stern and others like him have been on the slippery slope for quite some time. Unfortunately he was the FCC poster boy when the catalyst came to bear her breast during the Super Bowl.

I say catalyst because her stunt was the pivot point and Stern was the bullseye instead of Janet Jackson. She should have been PERSONALLY slapped with the multi-million $ fine for that stunt. At least we'd know she got smacked first, then the FCC could start the slime hunt after popping the one who lit the fuse.
I thought Stern was cute....For about five minutes. Mikel Moore was cute for about five minutes too. But, there was no intellectual substance to Moore's angry diatribes and no socially redeming value to the way Stern uses his free speech. Two mental midgets in my view :)