How to get a title for a car that was won?

Glenn, you won it, put up with the mess and you have the right to do what you want with it, no problem. Sometimes good ideas are not so good in the end.
Coming from soneone who saw the car I agree with Glenn and what he did he's too nice a guy to tell the real truth about the car. Heres one I know to be true. The trans from the car that was supposed to be "built" with all the "good" parts, started slipping right away and when it was taken to a VERY RESPECTED TR transmission specialist, he informed Glenn that there were in fact no NEW hard parts no billet this no fancy that just a STOCK very POORLY rebuilt Transmission. Anyone know where the GOOD parts went??

I could go on but I'll bow out now if anyone wants to know more you'll hafta ask Glenn about his list Directly.

Anyone know where the GOOD parts went??

You would have to take that one up with the guy that built it, I didn't build it, just had it dropped off at my shop so I could take it back north with the car. I do know that CK donated the parts though.:confused:

I can handle any truth bub, :rolleyes: its not a problem to me. You won it fair and square so its up to you to do whatever you wanted to with it. You can think whatever you want about me and my wise cracks but like I said before they were not wise cracks. I honestly was excited for you for winning the car , thats ALL. If you took it wrong then I apoligize AGAIN. :(
what I put in my last post [ Was hoping someone would win it that would take care of it and enjoy the car and all the hard work that was put into it ] That was not a wise crack, just an honest opion ! Noone ever said the car was cherry and good god, what do you expect for a car that was built in 4 months and traveling all over to have stuff done on it. I do think the car turned out very nice especially considering the time frame it was done it. I hope the new owner enjoys it anyway. At the very least he has a special car that was built for TFT giveaway and that my friend makes it one of a kind. This didn't go off perfect but the kids got a good christmas anyway so the rest of it doesn't really matter.
ps . If I was such an ass I sure wouldn't have sent you that quart of paint on top off everything else I did [ diesel fuel, gas, paint, rented a trailer to take it back out of my pocket, etc ] and wouldn't take a dime from you for it so think about that one before you think I am such a jerk next time. I also don't see any of the vendors doing this again in the near future with all the mix ups .
Daniel Ray
Hold up!

He did win the car and it is totally his right to do what he wanted to with the car! Agreed 100%

However do not insinuate it wasn't what it was "supposed" to be. Parts were donated by many different vendors. Everything that got donated got put on the car. There were THOUSANDS of dollars in parts alone in that car. Maybe it didn't get tuned exactly like Glen wanted it and it was late. It was for charity. Everyone still had business to do, sorry... I do apologize for the delay on that too!

I saw the parts that went on it. I too know what was on it. Nobody said it was perfect, but it was a very nice ride and would to have loved to have bought it back... I am sure there are thousands of people that I would have liked to have had it....

I apologized numerous times for the delay with the title, I gladly own that and apologize again...

I don't think it is cool to knock all the work that went into this whole thing. I personally had many hours, Brian had god knows how many, Daniel Ray, J Banning, I could go on but the point is made... Sometimes effort means something too...

Post whatever list you want... It is what it is!

I just hope that some kids had a good Christmas, thanks to all that donated time, parts, and money!

In the end it was all for charity....
I knew that was going to happen. Too bad it wasnt appreciated. I am sooo amazed how people are now a days. I would have given my left nut to have that car and use it for what it was. Man, a lot of people really worked hard on that thing. The car was made to be a gift to the person who won it, even if it was sold right away, it shouldnt have been complained about.
I knew that was going to happen. Too bad it wasnt appreciated. I am sooo amazed how people are now a days. I would have given my left nut to have that car and use it for what it was. Man, a lot of people really worked hard on that thing. The car was made to be a gift to the person who won it, even if it was sold right away, it shouldnt have been complained about.

I've never met Glenn but I'm not going to sit here and let him take a hit like this. From what I gather from reading this and the related threads is that Glenn was upset first at the delay in receiving the car. Second, there was the extreme delay in getting the title. Both of these are issues that could have been handled with communication, but it's obvious from the threads that there was none. It wasn't his fault, I read all his posts asking what was going on.

So anyway, he finally gets the car and finds out that it wasn't the beauty that it was described as. Then he's sitting there with a car that has no title and he has no idea if he will ever see one. So he has to decide, keep restoring and pump alot of money into a car that has no title or take the goodies and add them to your car which is in better shape. Seems like a simple answer to me. He did what any of us would do in that situation.

And I know Daniel has said that he never intended to start anything but I read all his posts and took the same thing from them that Glenn did.
I got an idea for this year.....MONEY TO BE SPENT WITH THE VENDORS HERE.

If someone donates $10 to get in, $5 goes to charities, the other $5 goes into a pot. At the end, whatever is in the pot is given as a gift certificate to the vendor or vendors on this site. Everyone wins, and no title to worry about:cool:
Exactly Stack, GLenn is a great guy, he wasnt at all unappreciative of winning the car, but he was very disheartened by the whole situation. I dont think very many people would have put money into a car that needed work , considering, you have a nice one in the garage. that needs no work. He did what most would do, switch the good parts over to the better car and be done.
My comment was in no way a slam to Glen, It was just props for KevinB on a good idea. If I were in Glens shoes I would have probably done the exact thing. A car give away is a flashy thing and did alot of good for Toy's for Tots but. The winner wasn't treated right in any way shape or form. If you get to choose your certificates no one really cares what you do with it after that. Venders don't get trashed and winner doesn't get trashed.
And I know Daniel has said that he never intended to start anything but I read all his posts and took the same thing from them that Glenn did.

Yes I am sure you would being you jumped in eariler. I have done expalined myself and it you can't get it then thats your problem not mine .:mad: At this point I really don't even care anymore as for the life of me I can't remember you busting your a@# or anyone else on this site being at my shop for 2 weeks to get it painted quick, putting over 850 bucks worth of fuel in my trucks going up there twice to help with it and take it back not to meantion the 2 weeks I was doing it I didn't make a dime in my shop because I was doing this for a good cause. The paint was donated from NAPA so no I didn't even try to write off anything from it except for milage on my truck as the labor is not a write off on taxes. I did this totally because of the cause it was for and had a lot of time and heart put into this . Yes the title thing sucked, yes the car was not a perfect car trapped in time from 87 , things went wrong and that sucked ok. If you had as much heart put into it as I did you would understand that this was personal for me as a tribute to my granmother as well that passed away, if you HAD read all my post you would know this but being you sat on your butt and did nothing but want to win it and try to find something wrong with everything I said I understand where you are coming from ok, are you happy now ? I can tell you this though, the kids had a better christmas last year because of this number one ! And with all the sand kicking and bit@#Ing over it I hope that if they ever try this again the vendors will donate again. I personally will not go out of my way again to paint one for free to hear it fussed about. I have done told Brian and Shane both that I would not do it again because of this. Whatever he wanted to do with the car is his choice and to tell you the truth I could care less anymore if you put it in a car chusher. Try to do something nice and you get spit on and kicked in the face for it. Good luck to the new owner of it and I hope he enjoys it. I agree with Brian, this year I will just write a check to TFT, lot easier and a lot less work . I am finished with this, Daniel Ray:frown:
He got the car late - SO what.
He got the title late - SO what.
If the car was such a burden maybe he should have made a call and returned it.
Or made a call to Shane and say Dude this car sucks pull another "#" and give it to the next guy.
That’s how simple it was/is
I Don't think he was forced to take possession of the car.

There was A LOT OF OTHER OPTIONS that could have pursued.
If some one gave me a FREE car the burden would be on me to get it going "paper work or mechanical work"
If I bought a car the burden would be on them.

This sucks
I was hoping to have a chance at winning this year’s car. But the way this turned out if I was "them" I wouldn't do it again either.
Sorry for the rant but Fukkk if I had won that car under same circumstances that went on I still would have been happy as a pig in shipt no matter what was wrong with it.
Sorry guys a Free car is a free car not matter what went wrong or what was or wasn’t in it.
TURBO POWERED RIGHT ON you are 100% right these guy`s broke there butts to build this car. and to donate the money to good cause.