How many hours a week do you put in at work?

I don't know about you guys, but...

I think the question should be refraised to : How many hours do you spend at home? LOL
Mine would be ......Not enough...
As far as how many hours a week I work , it would be in the 80-90 hrs a week. That is a slow one too.... :(

40 hours
assuming no call ins, which never happens. But they wont pay me a dime of overtime, I either have to work faster or work for free, which happens a lot more often than not.
Lately, they have had me out on the road working 8 hours a day, two days a week, with drives as far as 4 hours a day.
I was working 30 hours straight, and 10 hours ot (sundays), but with them trying to cut costs now, they are moving me off of sundays. :(
Plus my drive time is about an hour everyday, which really sucks.
Originally posted by TylerDurden
you all are going to hate me then....
shore tour in the navy, for the past 7 months or so, i was only truly at work an average of 15 hours a week, most of which was spent on soon as i start flying again i will be a 40+ guy...

and to lessen the :( toward me, comming off a sea tour with a squandron, there were some weeks in the 100+ hour range.....

You know what they say....

Officers run the Navy, but Blue Shirts make the Navy run, Sir.
Currently 35-40 a week with occasional OT, soon approaching 50-60 through the rest of the year.
I can relate to the others here on how good it feels to have free time. For the last few years I averaged 50-60 hrs a week before taking out 4-5 weeks for vacation.

About two years ago I worked quite a few 80 hr weeks, all overnight. At least they were all at the same job.
I don't think I will ever do that again unless it is for my own personal business, taxes are a B!#@%! not to mention missing out on friends and family.
My full time job i put in around 58 to 65 hours a week.

My lawn bussiness i have on the side is about another 30 hours a week with weekends. That god that the lawn season is over with. I am burnt out.
40hours exactly. My ahole boss took away my personal time and OT because he's wife needed a new big SUV and 2 of his deliquent sons are off to college. Used to get 3-4 hours OT every week.
50 hours - I don't take a lunch or breaks - I don't take vacations either...I work on commision and time off is lost $$$
rotation sux

I work 36 one week/48 the next on a 2-2-3 swinging from nights to days every time I go back to work. I work no OT unless I have to. I don't get OT pay on 48hr week---sunday is double time! Going from days to nights every rotation really sux!:mad:
well lets see it was 40 to 50 hrs wk as an elevator mechanic, which was cool cause o.t for us is double:) , but i have not worked for over 2 :mad: focking years due to my injury at work, can't wait to get this workmans comp $hit over with
Re: rotation sux

Originally posted by ITSAV6
I work 36 one week/48 the next on a 2-2-3 swinging from nights to days every time I go back to work. I work no OT unless I have to. I don't get OT pay on 48hr week---sunday is double time! Going from days to nights every rotation really sux!:mad:

Sounds like mine and Dusty Bradford's schedules (see above). Another Chemical Plant or Oil Refinery operator?
usually 65 to 75 hrs a week when i'm working.I didn't work very much this year.But did just come off a 50 week job up in CT.I'm a pipe liner. Then me and my brother have a 100 acre farm that keeps us busy.
65 hours on my easy week, 100+ on my hard week. 2 easy weeks , 2 hard weeks per month. I like driving a wrecker, it is an interesting job...the hours are absolutely brutal. I have recently started to cut back so that I can finish my pilots license.
i work about 35-40 hrs a week and its still not enough...i need a new job anyone hiring? around dallas area:cool:
36 hrs in 3 days first week
48 hrs in 4 days the next week
then rotate back to first ETC.
Graveyard Shift--I am a vampire!!
I made a mistake in my first post.It should have said 50 hr job in CT not 50 week job. Sorry.