How Long Have You Been A Member?

Bought my car in August of 1998. I joined here before the crash and rejoined in June of 2001. I lurk quite a bit but dont post very much ;) ;) .
I've been here since the beginning, hard to believe. What's even more hard to believe, is that I visit the forum regularly, yearly, and post messages now and then... but I only have 350 posts in almost 10 years! :eek: It feels like 2000 posts!

I have to say, I enjoyed the earlier days more, only because there was more focus on the entire car itself, where now much focus is on the engine and serious mods. Either way, still a great forum.
I was also here before the crash. Cant remember, '98 or '99. I'm sure no later then '99 though. Like said above....where is chad? Anyone remember bgrule?? Poor! Damn, it's been a long time. At least one thing has stayed the same....I STILL don't have a TB!:( :mad:
same here. also was in #buickgn back in the IRC days.

there are still some people who come on #buickgn every now and then.... glad to see you posting a again nick how you been? I havent talked to you in a while lol