Hockey Fans

Rough night there for Bishop. I'm sure all you Islanders fan hated to see that! Lol!

Haha of course! Islanders played great, but Greiss with 33 saves? Wow. Tampa is still a good team... I'm just happy we came out like that in Tampa on the first game against them.

I liked to see Nashville advance although I don't think they will make it to round two.

Pens vs Caps - I'm undecided on that one.
Yeah, that's the way to do it. Kick their butts right off the bat and get some momentum.
I'm happy that Nashville knocked Anaheim out. Perry and Getzlaf can go cry in each others beers now. I wouldn't mind seeing the Preds take out the Sharks too. I can only imagine how hopping Nashville was last night after the game. Fun city there!
Yeah, that's the way to do it. Kick their butts right off the bat and get some momentum.
I'm happy that Nashville knocked Anaheim out. Perry and Getzlaf can go cry in each others beers now. I wouldn't mind seeing the Preds take out the Sharks too. I can only imagine how hopping Nashville was last night after the game. Fun city there!
And Kesler....
I figured first round would be the best but wow caps pens was a great game stars blues has been great too. Some sick open ice hits!
Orpik should be out for the rest of the series. What a scumbag.

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Minimum of two games...and I am ok with the rest of the series.
Found it on YouTube yikes that's ugly! I can see playing hard but that's across the line.
He threw and elbow to the chin a few seconds after Olli Maata passed the puck, instant concussion.
(Posted before I saw your second post)

Sent from my Spaceship.
Wow, Dallas got smoked last night! Good to see Nashville finally get one. Now let's see what happens tonight. Losing Letang for a game isn't going to help the Pens at all. Can the Caps put another bajillion shots toward the net tonight? Enquiring minds want to know. Lol!
That Islanders game last night was intense! I was rooting for Nashville in that game too. That Weber shot was impressive!

It's funny have the headlines change from round to round. First round was all about the Coaches Challenge. Now it is about the late/high hits. Makes me wonder what the next round will be know for.
Being an old goalie it's been fun watching Murray and Jones have success the next generation making a name!
Letang is suspended for one game on his hit.
Well IMO that is the minimum he should have got and I would not have blinked at 3 games either.
Of course during the week I can't watch any games due to my work schedule... I knew that Tampa/NY would be a good series... But if the islanders allow them to win a 3rd in a row I'm really going to lose it
been a good series all the way around love all the hitting, that was a cheap shot by OV slashing Sid the kid. I really have an issue with stick work don't mind a clean hit.........