Here's a story straight from the soldiers's mouth

Anybody here have a problem with calling a spade a spade? Does anybody else cry about socalled Iraqi civilian casualties? :rolleyes: Is that all you got from this thread? :confused:
Originally posted by WFO
not reserve,that in my opinion have no business being anywhere near a combat zone...

looks like the army didn't learn anything from somalia,they're still sending people into dangerous areas under-equipped and unprepared...:rolleyes:

This is an improper statement and you really should think before you put your foot in your mouth.Reservists are no less able to do their job than any active duty soldier.I sure hope you have served making statements like this,otherwise keep your mouth shut.I was active duty for awhile and went to reserve for some years too.I know what I am talking about.Do you?

Somalia was DCs mistake,not the Armys.They go in with what the bean counters in washington send them in with.The Army doesn't get to chose what they have or how it gets done.They follow orders and use their training the best they can,just like right now in Iraq.We could own that place at any moment,but we are more concerned about Iraqi civilian lives than our own soldiers and marines.Please be careful with your statements before you trash a military service with a long tradition of serving this country proudly.
Originally posted by sixgun86gn
Reservists are no less able to do their job than any active duty soldier.

I will allow that if a soldier served 4 years active duty then went to the reserves,then is called up within a year or so,he's still probably mentally and physically up to the challenge.If he never served active duty and trained/lived the life 24 hours a day 365 days a year he never was and never will be prepared for the rigors of combat.

Originally posted by sixgun86gn
I sure hope you have served making statements like this,otherwise keep your mouth shut.I was active duty for awhile and went to reserve for some years too.I know what I am talking about.Do you?


Originally posted by sixgun86gn
Somalia was DCs mistake,not the Armys.

My brother was in Somalia(marine grunt)before the army took over.The marine corps had that place locked down...LAV's rollin the streets,AH1W's in the air,snipers on the rooftops.It IS the army's fault because they allow the bureaucrats and politicans to tell them what to do in a combat zone.
Originally posted by WFO reserve,that in my opinion have no business being anywhere near a combat zone...

First off, you're way out of line. That statement is about as intelligent as saying ALL cops are asses because ONE gave you a hard time at some point.

Second, I'll be the first to admit I can tell you NOTHING about any unit other than my own. I was NG for 6 years, as both Infantry and Stinger Missle Crew Chief. The simple fact is, we knew our crap, PERIOD. We were in Ft. Campbell when Desert Shield started up, and were on deck to go. Every one of us was prepared- physically, mentally, and training-wise- to go.

I'll also admit that there are Reserve and NG units out there that are barely capable of "sandbag filler" status, but it's wrong- not to mention insulting- to write off the entire Reserve and NG based on whatever information (which I did not see posted) your low opinion results from. I have also seen my share of RA, and yes MARINES, who were worthless SOB's who didn't have a clue what soldiering was about, but you'll not hear me down an entire branch of the service based on a few examples of unsat's.

I don't post here all that often, but your comment required it.

The marines didn't have crap locked down.They were not sent in to get anyone...just occupy.When the real stuff had to happen they sent the Rangers.If the marines had it locked down how come they didn't take out the bad guys?The problem with Somalia was a bad battle plan,poor information and terrible timing.The marine corp takes its orders directly from DC too they don't just act on their own.You sound just like the typical Jarhead who thinks all marines are bulletproof.I have respect for the corp so don't take it personal.We all did what we had to do when we had to.

BTW since you listed credentials I will too

SGT US ARMY 92-98 reserve 98-2000

I got orders for Somalia right after everything happened over there and then the pull out happened and the orders were dropped so I never went.I take what I know from Rangers who have been there and have told me about it.I have another friend who was a Navy corpsman who was there too.That place was a trap from the get go.Alot of people do not realize how really bad that place was.I am sure your brother saw plenty of action too.