HELP!!!! PLEASE! Winaldl error 23 MAT Fix?


Mar 4, 2006
Car was running engine by southernboost? Randy....anyhow....the SES (Check Engine) light came on, boost never kicks in, runs like crap....I understand this error is the air temp sensor but what do I do to repair/replace it????? cannot locate anything about it in Chilton manual
I get that code when I forget to plug my IAT but it never causes my car to run like crap. How many miles are on this new engine?
no sir.....wire broken on iat...all good now....wonder why affected my engine so dramatically but not yours????
no idea. From what I understand the chip burners vary the tune vary little if any from IAT input. Unless the ECM was running off the calpack and you're got bigger injectors that it didn't account for.
Every time I see that code I pop back under the hood and plug the sensor back up.
What chip are you running? TT ignores the intake temp sensor on the 5.7, 6.0/1 chips. I believe it still needs to be plugged in not to get the code. SD chips use it though.