Help name my Kitty

anyone watch the episode of Family Guy where Mayor West has the cat-launching gun? Name him Paul....what a crazy name for a cat....Paul is a people name!
anyone watch the episode of Family Guy where Mayor West has the cat-launching gun? Name him Paul....what a crazy name for a cat....Paul is a people name!

Holy crap dude get out of my head!!! When I saw this thread that was the first thing I thought of. I scrolled down and sure enough! :biggrin:

When I saw that Family Guy episode it made me laugh pretty hard because I gave my cat a people name! My cats name is Dan.
My wife named our cat a very corny name. After about 6 months or so, I realized "Trixy" did not fit the cats personality. Her name has been Grey for the last 7 years. It fits her perfect (she is grey lol.)
I have had a few cats. At one time I had one named Freddy and another one was named Jason (nicknamed mean and meaner). Their sisters were named Halloween and Trick-or-treat. Guess when they were born. :rolleyes:

I tend to give my pets names from movies or t.v. I had a dog named Seven of Nine. The name fit since there were 9 in her litter. I currently have two dogs that were picked up from a stray litter that are named Bones (Black and white spotted, like dice) and Harry Mudd, (looks like a chocolate lab), Mud for short, from an old Star Trek episode. :cool:
We have a cat named Penny ( she's worth just about that much or less ) and another one , her son , Oreo (guess what color he is:rolleyes: )
Heres a list of cat names I have used, Goofer, Water, Spanky, Boots, Mittens, Blackie, Shadow, Sam, Tom, Satan, Misty and Hamburger.
I appreciate all the suggestions. So far I haven't had any one name just attach itself to this little furball. For the moment it has been little fella because it is so tiny right now. I have an appointment at the vet for Friday to get shots, spayed and all. It really has been a good little guy (currently curled up on my lap just prrrring away) except for trying to get outside when I open the door. I think I want her to be an indoor cat as I don't want her to get hit by a car. Everytime she does get out, she heads straight down the driveway for the street. My street is a dead end and short but it ajoins a fairly busy street an 1/8 mile away. I will let the cat provide me with the name instead of me defining the kitty. Sleepy is appropriate so far though:p
I also like the idea of using a people name. I always get a chuckle out of animals with human names :biggrin:

For some reason Anne (since it's a female) popped into my head.
Sounds like you already named the cat "Furball".

Keep the cat indoors for a while so that it knows you're taking care of it, and that your house is its new home. After a week or two it will get the idea. What I've done when I've moved to a new house is keep the cat indoors for a while and then I pick them up, take them outside and walk the boarder of the property. They catch on.
my current cats name is Radar. He got his name because when he was first brought home and sat him down on the couch he was sitting there turning his head from left to right just looking at everything kinda like a radr dish. He has taken to the name very well and knows it too.

how about Storm since he is gray with dark gray kinda like a cloudy day. or smokey.
Kitty Kitty Kitty

She will come to anybody that calls her with this name. My cat does