Happy Birthday Shane (SGRIM)

Happy B day Shane.
are you aware your catching me in age?
thanks for all you do!
Thanks for putting up with the b.s

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
The electric fence at T6P must of failed again.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Bappy Hirthday to a cool guy! Must be nice to still be young! I hope you got a laugh at some of the things that have been posted here on your "birthday" post, cause I sure did.......ever notice how funny these guys can be? Man, my stomach hurts from laughing.

A good birthday to a good christen man! And many more. (when you reach 40 let me know)

Bruce '87 Grand Nationa
What you do for us G/N and T-type nuts is amazing!
Thanks much and Happy Birthday!
