Happy Birthday Gary Wells.


Fiberglass bumper filler dude. (949) 433-1257
Staff member
Apr 4, 2002
Gary, how could you forget to post youself a happy birthday thread? I'll pick up the slack for you, this time.;)

Happy Birthday and thanks for all you do here.


Mike Barnard
Happy Birthday, Gary!!!
...and many more to come...

Thanks for all you do for the SW section
...er...um..is this the first birthday or the second one...:confused:

enjoy your B day Gary!

thanks for all you do here,
have great birthday!
Happy birthday Gary and Congrats on having the best section on the forum.

You make it possible to have fun around here.

Enjoy the day

Thanks everybody, 67 today, and I never thought that I would make it this far.
Thanks, everybody, for the BD wishes. I'm 67, and I only feel like, well, about 167.
Gary, your young at heart, and let's not forget about your muscle cars that do help out with blood circulation everyonce in a while.

Happy Birthday!:smile:
Happy birthday, Gary. Thanks for contributing so much and helping make this place what it is for so many.
