Grocery list needed (vacuum lines)


Oct 25, 2017
Ok I tried to search but for some reason i couldn’t come up with the exact information that I’m looking for.

I’m looking to change every single vacuum hose in my car. (With the exception of the brake booster and pvc hose).

I already have the vacuum block that gives vacuum to the brake booster. But I want to change all the small vacuum lines.

I don’t want to do anything fancy. Basically I want to buy feet of vacuum line from autozone and cut it as I go. So I’m looking for the different sizes that I will need and approximately how many feet of each different line to complete the job. I see some nice silicone sets with some cool colors on eBay but unfortunately they don’t post the ID or length of the lines. And I would like to do this tomorrow afternoon so I can’t order and wait for shipping. So good ole rubber vacuum lines will be just fine for me.
If anyone can help me with a list I would greatly appreciate it. And I apologize if this has been covered already. Also if anyone wants to post up a current 87 vacuum diagram that I can use as a reference on my phone that would also be a big help. Just Incase the prior owner had something connected incorrectly.

Thank you again
Just go to any of the fast food parts houses and buy 5 feet of every size they have. Whatever is left, coil up and put in a ''hose box''.

Trust me, you'll be surprised how often you dip into there for a puny section that saves a trip to town.

Also, make sure to test the check valves. If they pass air both ways, they aren't keeping boost out of stuff that's not supposed to be pressurized.
Anyone have a clear 86-87 vacuum diagram they can post up so I don’t make any mistake.

