grand national images + video

Only mildly retarded. The whole screwing with it to make the stock rims look like 20's was not only in poor taste, but borderline sacriligious....if it wasn't for that, I would've liked the helicopter picture, but the tank......?
I apologize, perhaps I was a tad harsh. I guess I'm just a purist. To be perfectly honest, I was getting ready to set the helicopter picture as my background for this week until I noticed the 'rim job'.:D
Wow, those are some cool, freaky pics, especially #4! :eek: Far out. Good thing I don't smoke reefer anymore. If I was stoned I probably would be shivering in the corner right now whispering "sky monster is gonna get me".

I kinda like the GN on dubs, but yeah 20's are a little big. 17's would look cool.

What happened to that guy that was going to get a big thing going with 16", 17" and 18" GN-styled wheels? What'd that idea go down the porcelain garbagecan?

i'll make another pic with stock sized rims, the 20" were incase some ladies checked out the pic, they'd think i was a big "pimp"