GoodBye overtime pay...thanks George

Our mexican plant has a 10% turnover rate. Not so alarming you say? That was MONTHLY.

They don't give a crap about building a quality product and it shows up in productivity numbers. It ain't just output it also inlcudes quality costs. They've already been desourced as a future vendor which just might show up in their future productivity numbers when they ain't making product anymore. Current sensor runs last 3 more years or so.

If you have a $5 a day job and you can get one down the street for the same pay tomorrow there's not much incentive to do good work. That would include their skilled workers not just burger flipper attitudes we see here.

Then again many do live in fear of the German plant manager but when it comes to skills or problem solving they don't have a clue down there.

Gonna be real funny to see them train the Chinese to take THEIR jobs. :D

Japans economy isn't doing so well for a variety of reasons but the govt. and banking industries are in the red and they do a rather large part in keeping the industrial sector running in Japan.

Subsidized industries.

Just my .02 of course. Primarily I was talking about France. ;)
Half my guys want all the overtime they can get...the other half are lucky if they make 40 hrs.
Originally posted by turbo87limited
Sandman, I really don't have a good explanation as to why I allow it. I guess when times were good, I felt that if we were making money (profits), I might as well let them enjoy theirselves a little also. But as profits weakened, and layoffs were imminent, I kept the employees that at the time were the best workers I had. I paid these employees whether we had jobs or not, I knew that business was going to pick back up soon. As luck would have it, it picked up sooner than I thought. Now I have as much work as I can handle, 2 weeks backlog, (BTW I know I am TRULLY BLESSED to be able to say that I have a 2 week backlog), know I have a bunch of whiney employees saying I am working them too hard. I could write a book on my experiences, but one thing I trully know for sure. I believe everyone should have the opportunity to own their own business for a little while. That way when they went back out to get a job working for someone else, they would know what it takes to get the job done. Sorry for my lunchtime RANT.;)
Bubba Nicholson

I don't drink coffee and I don't whine...need a new employee?:D ;)
I sold for a medium size chemical company for 10 years and was one of the top 3 sales people during that time. I am not a great talker but I belived in my product, did my homework on my competitors and was always out in the field taking many no interested replies with a few sales. I had my territory cut several times in order to control my salary. We were purchased by the second largest chemical company in the world. My work ethic did not change however my new co-workers belived in maintaining rather then expanding. Well after the worst three years of my working life, I was relased due to down sizing. In order to recieve the severance package, I was forced to sign a one year non-compete agreement.
I am now with a small chemical company in the same industry going against my old employer. In the first 6 months I was able to capture $250,000 of their business. I hope they contunue their policy of status quo and keep people that support this mind set!
I think Jeff makes a valid point here, big companies when downsizing don't care usually whether you are a good worker or a bad worker you are just a statistic in another plant closing.

No loyalty from the company to the worker so it works right back at them when workers don't care either.

Small companies are usually an exception where the deadwood doesn't usually survive unless they have a good lawyer or are related to the owner. :D
I don't know what all the hype is about...... I frequently work 58-60 hours per week and my weekly base is for 40 hrs. I haven't seen a dime of overtime in the last 15 years. :mad: Supposedly, management doesn't deserve overtime. :rolleyes:
I have 22 people under my supervision and I maybe have 3 hard workers. It is hard to find good workers that give a Sh!T!

One thing that helps me is to educate the employee's about the co. and praise them for their good work.

I deal with lazy management also!:mad:

It would be nice to share some more secrets on this subject for our use.

Bo :)
I dont understand why this gets so complicated.

As a manager, you plan your labor according to how much work you have. If you are using overtime you hire enough people to get the job done so you dont use overtime.

If corporate America decides it is cheaper to use the overtime and existing employees that is their own fault. They do it based on what is cheaper for them. So I have no symapthy for them.

I dont care what profession you are in. If you work over 8 hours per day you should get paid overtime.

Salaried employees are abused far more than hourly employees are. Management ends up working 50 to 60 hours or more per week, 6 to 7 days per week and they dont get a damn thing for that overtime. Dont BS me and tell me they get it back in profit sharing. That is a load of crap. It is non-existent.
It looks like youre onlyt affected if you make under 22k/yr. I'd almost thing anything under that is part time anyway no?

Not quite true, last year i only brought in like 15k, i didn't have a job for a month and a half but i didn't make that much.

I wish i had the option of wether or not to work overtime, we tickets every morning and they have a due date of when they have to be done by such and such time. If we don't get it done, by that time someone can get killed. I the last 12 weeks my slowest week was the week of july 4 and i worked 53 hours, usually its 60-75. I have no life i hate my job, cant wait to turn 21 and try join the police academy.
Originally posted by Reggie West

I dont care what profession you are in. If you work over 8 hours per day you should get paid overtime.

Salaried employees are abused far more than hourly employees are. Management ends up working 50 to 60 hours or more per week, 6 to 7 days per week and they dont get a damn thing for that overtime. Dont BS me and tell me they get it back in profit sharing. That is a load of crap. It is non-existent.
