Good morning,'s FRIDAY

Happy Friday................

Happy Friday before the kirban open house :D .

Hope to see a buncha you guys there
whoohoooo.... In 15 loooooonnnggggg minutes I'm atta here!!!

Keep the cars between the ditches boys-n-girls and watchout for those deer!! lol

What is drunk?

Sorry for missing last week.. I was to.. well you know. :D

"Beer is proof
that God loves us
and wants us to prosper."
- Benjamin Franklin

What is drunk?

"I have taken more out of alcohol
than alcohol has taken out of me."
- Winston Churchill

What is drunk?

"I have taken more out of alcohol
than alcohol has taken out of me."
- Winston Churchill

Friday morning quote

"What is good for the country is good for General Motors, and what's good for General Motors is good for the country."
-Charles E. Wilson (former GM President)- To a Congressional Committee, 1952
It's Friday........

This will never be a civilized country until we expend more money for books than we do for chewing gum.

-Elbert Hubbard

I think I'll take the day off. Everybody else go ahead and take the day off, too.

And it's NOVEMBER. The year is winding down. Mark off another Halloween. Next up: Thanksgiving.
What is Drunk?

"The problem
with the world
is that everyone
is a few drinks behind."
- Humphrey Bogart

It's Aloha Friday,
No work 'till Monday

a'doobie do..a'doobie doobie doobie doobie do.

Friday at last! Friday at last! Thank God Almighty, Friday at last!
Re: It's FRIDAY!

Originally posted by lyonsd
Friday at last! Friday at last! Thank God Almighty, Friday at last!

Dave , you coming to Reynolds tomorrow ? I want to see you in the 12's :)
