Good morning,'s FRIDAY

You have met his type many times, he is the spoiler of all things.
You're having a conversation with someone, he interrupts.
You have a favorite parking spot, he takes it.
You find a loop hole in your taxes, he calls the IRS.
You win the lottery, he calls the newspapers.
You're in the 10 items or less line at the store, he's in front of you with 25 things and a personal check from his aunt.
He stands in doorways to talk to people.
He does 10 below the speed limit in front of you.
He tailgates you when you're doing 10 over the speed limit.
He gloats when he's winning and cries when he's not.
He scams the system any chance he gets and costs us all more money.
He only cares about himself, and proves it daily.
I am forced to work on the same team as this cretin, yet have asked to be switched for over one year.
I work at a new car dealer. This Pino still cannot diagnose a burned out headlight after he has worked on cars for 13 years. He changes the oil on cars and forgets to put a filter on...then starts the car.
He is the reason people hate auto-mechanics, I work on cars now because some ass like this worked on my car years ago.
Since he is a moron he gets easy work, I on the other hand have to carry him by fixing cars he cannot.
Darwin missed this defect in the gene pool.

D@mn, I know a few people like that.
Sounds like the Pino you know should be sent back!

Didn't get to the Yoda last weekend, going to tomorrow....

It's still friday...

So hurry up and get to work.


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Oops I'm late

missed Friday, now it's Caturday:confused:


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WAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOO for friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D

this may as well be the most responded to and most viewed thread in turbobuick history someday:rolleyes:

you know...I posted this message 5 years ago and I don't think I've seen a post that has kept going this long...amazing
Hard to believe summers almost over already:(

Wrong!! Have you seen the forcast lately?
I think it's hot just about anywhere you go in this country.

Anyway, it is friday and I am out of town.

Edit: Still haven't gotten that Yoda done. It's over a year now. Never again.