GN Stolen From in Front of House!

4/6 & 4/20


4/6 is the shop party at Aggressive Performance in Detroit.

4/20 is the Spring Fling in Chelsea.

Both are Saturdays. For info on the Spring Fling check it out in the regional section of the boards.

Originally posted by toddmingnworld

Yeah I got a really good description of the car and the plate...All that info was given to the police....I mean this impala was decked out....had oversized chrome five spoke wheels on it...Limo tinted windows and was a purpulish pearl color....Stands out like a sore thumb.....


It's probably stolen too!!!

Great thanks for the information I'll be there!! Just one other question what time will everyone start showing up....Mid afternoon, late or during the evening....Let me know what time I should come be there by......


Yeah thinking about it your probably right, but I did get a pleasant phone call from my local police dept. this morning and they want me to come down and photo ID the guy that took my car....I think they either nailed his ass or are hot on his trail..I will expend my lunchbreak to take care of this..Either or is good but I'll have further details later this afternoon....

Good News Good News Damn Good News

I gotta call from the police this morning requesting I come down to photo ID some suspects whom the police think one of them may be the one that stole my precious GN...So during my lunch break I go down and on the paper is 6 clowns....Their this maggot was....I told the office this is without a doubt the guy...I have no doubt in my mind and the detective was like "great thats all I needed to hear"

Next step he said is too draw up the necessary paperwork and they are going to issue a warrant for this guys arrest in the coming days...This bastard is going to learn he in $#%@^# with the wrong "person" and "car". As far as his accompliss goes the detective said charges will probably not hold up being that he hung around my house after the thief took off indicating that he perhaps was not aware of what his friend had planned (Please, yeah right :eek: :eek: ) therefore charges would not stand up in court against him but his friend is toast as the detective confirmed to me that this punk has an extensive criminal history.....

Once caught he is going to be spending long nights in a dark cold cell with an over-sized horny dude waiting for him:D :D....Chaulk this one up as a winner for all GN Owners out there!!

oh my god.. that is so scary.. sounds like some kind of nightmare id have.. seeing someone drive off with my car and not have anything fast enough to catch it.... congrats on getting the mother****ers..

Hey guys,

Got some new news about the punks who took my stuff....The one thief has been caught and arrested....My detective called and notified me yesterday of his arrest...I can't wait to attend his trial and be able to put this retard away aleast for awhile....He can get a max of 5 years given his record and previous offenses....

Thought that I would pass the update for you guys....

yesssss that is very cool. if only they wouldve tried to do anything to catch who got my car..

Story update folks,

Finally had the pre-exam at the courthouse and they halled the punk out in cuffs...(Damn Prick:mad: ) and his mother and father were there with him..Damn foo has a little daughter too..It's gonna be sad that he's not gonna be able to see her for another 5 to 7 years....Maybe he should have given that some thought before he decided to drive off with my car.

He told his acting counsel that I gave him the keys and title to my car and that I allowed him to go for a test drive much less w/o me in it!! What an idiot, listen too he claimed that he gave me a $500.00 cash deposit before he took off w/My car. The more he talks the more time he's gonna get....He should be crowned the worlds most foolish and stupid thief. So next step is for us to go to court because he entered a plea of not guilty, I must say though that his acting counsel asked me if I was a lawyer by career because how fluent, honest and direct I was in the cross-examination and I said no but maybe I should have chosen that as a career. :D :D

Did I forget to tell you that his mother came to my house begging for me not to press charges....Granted I did it some thought but after seeing him and his continued crock story he still sticks to I'm going to go for his jugular vein!!!!!

Will post as the ugly worm turns

I think there are still a couple counties down here in the south that punish the theft of a turbo Regal by public lynching. Has to be a Buick though - Mustangs and Camaros don't count. :D

Just be glad they caught 'em. Reminds me of that pulp fiction movie where Travolta was griping about some guy keying his Impala or something. You just don't mess with another guy's toys. But it would almost be worth them doing it if you knew you would catch them! Good luck with the prosecution. Make sure the D.A. allows you to complete a "victim impact statement" if there was any damage to your car. He can get the Judge to order restitution for you and you might recoup some $ from the slime ball. However, if you made an insurance claim and got some money there, you may not be entitled to restitution.
I say let the poor guy go! But with the stipulation that he must attend the Buick Nationals with a sign hung around his neck saying "I LIKE TO STEAL TURBO REGALS". If he survives a day at the Nats then he goes free. (Don't think he would last an hour) Glad to hear you got your car back.
Lucky Lucky Lucky!!!!!

Dude you are the luckiest guy I know!!!!!!

I lost my 87 WE-4 in 1987 ! I ordered the car BRAND NEW, Waited like 3 months for her and only had her for 3 weeks!

When the cops finally found the car a week was something to CRY over!

Needless to say, I recently bought another WE-4 and realize from your story just how F**KED up the world is!

Congrats on getting your baby back!

Tom:D :)
5 to7, NO WAY!!

You'll end up in ft of some librel, ass kissin judge that'll use the "if you'll sweep the courthouse steps for a week and say you are sorry and pay for the damages, I'll reduce the sentence to "time served" and probation for AT LEAST a month".:mad:

Around here the cops won't even come out.. They told my friend that SAW them take the car, to "come down tomorrow Am and file a report"....WTF is THIS ALREADY???

I say stump the little bast%#d. It involves a pine stump bout 3' high, a 10 penny spike, a fender washer, [to keep the spike from pullin thru]. Nail his crank to the stump and push him off backwards!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

Maybe we could have a "mass stumping" and put "lil Joey" Cippola on the stump next to this jackass... :cool:
your a better man than i am , i would of gotten the car with his punk friend, beat him in the face, and used the cigerette lighter to get the info i needed, but then again i am in the military, but i am a great shot, had i had a side arm, i would of sacraficed the front and rear glass for a shot at his head, these cars are our life, hundreds appon hundreds of hours with them, like family, call me violent, but you mess with my family, you will get all wrath at my disposal, such violence :mad:
Grant J Farmer


I have good news for every TR owner out their, I received a letter from the prosecutor's office yesterday regarding what happened to the scumbag that took my TR and contrary to what most you may have thought would happen to this guy didn't....He did not escape punishment this time....They handed down 7 months worth of jail time, 2 years probation, some $3000.00 in court fees, revoked his license and other restrictions and all the while I did not even need to testify against him....

He plead guilty to a lesser charge and the court sent me the documents to fill out asking me what type of punishment would
I like to see handed down and I indicated whatever the Judge felt was necessary. This was the case since I accepted his plea to avoid going down to court to have to testify against him...Low & behold the Judge accepted his plea but gave him jail time & probation anyway because the scumbag was trying to weasel his way out of jail time by pleading guilty to a lesser charge (Unlawful possession of a vehicle) The court hit him with a felony! They don't play in Oakland County especially for repeat offenders.

All the frustration and anger I experienced I can now put behind me, this joker deserved what he got and I'm glad to know the system did it's job this time....For those who know, having your car stolen (Not to mention your prize possession) is like being raped, it's not a good feeling.....I'm one of the lucky one's though because my car was returned without a sratch.

I can now close this chapter in my life!
Wow, all this makes me want to move to Oakland County where the law works!

Hip Hip Hooray! :D