I have three GN's and once owned a TTA. The TTA rides stiff just like all of the F-bodies that I've been in. I couldn't wait to sell it. I like their looks though.
A G body car is much more comfortable and you can easily mod the suspension to do what you want. The F body has some issues with getting traction because of the rear suspension design. You can band aid it but to fix it entirely you'd need to back half it and it's easier to do a G body car. Also you can repair the body easier if you end up in a wreck, if you can find the parts.
A TTA is just another white Firebird that just blends in with the crowd of regular cars. Most people do not know it has a turbo Buick V-6 heart, and care less. :eek:

Drive a GN anywhere, even to a gas station, and someone will comment on it. The all-black look gives it class with a powerful aura.

The difference is one simple word - mystique, the GN has it, TTA is seen as a bland, every day car! :D

Sorry TTA guys, but that is the way I see it! :biggrin:
As mentioned in earlier post if comfort is a consideration a Turbo Regal is a better choice unless you are kid.

Having sold both market seems not as kind to Turbo Trans Ams compared to a same condition Turbo Regal.

What hurts the TA is probably the interior color and in my opinon one of the ugliest steering wheels.

Exception would be if you were lucky enough to find one of the very few hardtops they made.

The real prize in a TA is to find a real 1969 TA with the ram air engine. That would be worth 3 or 4 GNs...
Well....tough call, I love em both.
The GN is much sinister, lots of people love it (even people that don't like GM's), the opposite is one of the reasons I like the TTA. Neat to drive around destroying unsuspecting "fast cars" with a plain-jane T/A that should'nt have anything more than a TPI 350.
The regals ride nicer, the TTA corners (and brakes) better.
The TTA is a TERROR on the highway, better aero, better gears, better stability
The GN (or turbo regals) are easier to to find parts for, and the parts are for the most part also cheaper than the TTA.
The TTA makes people scratch their heads at cars shows and cruise nights. Amazing how many people STILL don't know about or have ever seen a TTA.

Just my take on it;)
A TTA is just another white Firebird that just blends in with the crowd of regular cars. Most people do not know it has a turbo Buick V-6 heart, and care less. :eek:

Drive a GN anywhere, even to a gas station, and someone will comment on it. The all-black look gives it class with a powerful aura.

The difference is one simple word - mystique, the GN has it, TTA is seen as a bland, every day car! :D

Sorry TTA guys, but that is the way I see it! :biggrin:


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TTA = big time sleeper, and MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more rare... did I say MUCH more rare??? Will trade my TR for equal TTA anyday... let me know... :wink:
TTA = big time sleeper, and MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more rare... did I say MUCH more rare??? Will trade my TR for equal TTA anyday... let me know... :wink:
well, yes they are more rare cause they only made them for one year in limited quantities.

they really do just look like a GTA to most tho.

I happened to really like them and when I use to see GTA's on the road I would always want to get closer to see the Turbo emblem.:)

it seems like they take an awful long time to sell tho when posted so being more rare does not necessarily mean being more desirable.

they will cost about the same amount of money to modify as a TR so unless someone specifically wants a TTA its unlikely someone will just stumble over it when they get to urge to buy an expensive toy.

A T-Type or T is not as desirable as a GN to most which is why they are valued more. Most feel the same way about the TTA and the GN.

But, the TTA when it was new was around $30k vs. around $20k for the GN. The average book retail for a GN is $15k. Its only $17k for a TTA. not a good value either.

If you have a nice TTA you will likely be the only person in the area that has one tho. There is something appealing about that tho for sure tho.
I like the TTA. Aerodynamics, handling, style and leather... Fun car for sure. Rear ends are soft though.

GN's rock too! I would like BOTH!

Even sitting still, a GN looks fast. It's hard to go anywhere and not get a compliment from someone. Usually goes like this..."Hey, that is am awesome Monte" or "I haven't seen an all black Monte before" or my favorite..."WTF is a Grand National?!?!?!" I bet the TTA owners dont have that issue. " Hey nice Camaro..." My friend has a TTA and I think they are very cool. It's definately the better sleeper, but when I am sitting at a 4 way intersection, you honestly can watch the other cars look and point at the GN. Its just different.

Don't go by what we all prefer. Which one do YOU like better???

To me, the GN wins out, like already mentioned the mystique and reputation of the GN is all over the TTA. I see a white Trans Am and ALWAYS first assume it is a GTA. I would also rather have a full frame car vs a unibody.

Ideal situation would be to have one of each.:biggrin:
I still regret selling my TTA. Fun Car. Someday I will own another. Really though. Its all what you like. Buy the one you want and never look back.
What hurts the TA is probably the interior color and in my opinon one of the ugliest steering wheels.

Yup! I almost traded in my GN for a TTA back in the day. I test drove one and liked the way it performed, but I could not get past the interior. I never liked Pontiac interiors much.
I love them both and that's why I own them both! :cool: If your fat and or old stay away from the TTA. You'll be miserable with the car and complain like most. The TTA is a little harder getting in and out of for the fat and old for sure and that is because that car was never designed or made for the fat and old!! Sitting in the TTA for me is like wearing a glove around you. It's comfortable and the seats fit around you very nice. I'm 6'1" 190lbs. You have everything hands down you would want in a performance car with the TTA. Style, handling, braking, and performance. It's the ultimate platform for the turbo six drive-line IMO. While most complain about rattles and squeaks my TTA is very quiet going down the road and with the original shocks I get a nice softer ride as well. :) While I do get beat up at car shows sometimes because people don't know about them I actually enjoy schooling the people I come across and they walk away from the TTA saying wow.. that was the last of the fast cars in the 80's. But on the other hand I have attended shows and people have actually thanked me for showing my TTA because they know and like the cars but never see them. And that is why I enjoy owning and showing my TTA for sure.

I love my TTA for the reasons most described in this thread. Everyone thinks it's a GTA. So when I'm cruising on the streets from shows and cruises no one bothers me or even gives me a second look other then it's a clean GTA. Real car enthusiasts will check it out and know what it is and always give me a thumbs up. I've handed out many a$$ whoopin cards to many in my GTA look a like car. :D After they pull along side 10 minuets later at the next light I always tell them... Next time you want to play make sure it does not say 'turbo" on the fender so your not embarrassed so bad next time. kthx. :D

Now the GN is like taking a brick and throwing it down the road. No handling, no braking, and 0 aerodynamics. When I get over 100mph in my GN I feel like the car is coming off the road no matter what tires you have. While you have that sinister look of the GN and everyone knows what it is you have to keep those things in mind. I mean sure you can go ahead and change the handling and change the braking and lower the GN to help things out but why bother with that waste of money when it all comes in one package from the factory with the TTA! :biggrin:

If you want to see the most TTA's ever in one spot and witness history in the making come on out to the TTA reunion this year in Ohio. There will be plenty of GN's there and a ton of TTA's along with the guy who created the TTA. But that pretty much breaks it down for you.
ahhhh..opinions.. TTA hands down to me back in 89 when the wife bought a new one. #1 ...I like sleepers !!!! Little background about the wife :eek: She always drove nice cars.. Had a new car every other year till 1995 .. 428 Cobra jet Mustangs to the V6 turbo GN/TTA's. Die hard Ford/Cobra/Shelby family. In 82 I decided to jump ship for the new Z28s. I wanted something with looks AND gas mileage !! Well as we all know the F body got its butt kicked by everything at the time. They got no respect :p I had GNs in 86 an she didn't like the "grandpa" image an lucky for me she bought a new TTA !!! Car was awesome as far as the fun factor !! BEST fun car we have owned period !! Raced it since it was 300 miles old. "Antique rear suspension" that didn't work ??? BS !!!! First day at the track we were doing low 1.7 short times @ 12.5 with 8" M&H dots. Tweaked the stock junk down to high 11s.. Hell she would beat the GN on the street and I was "spraying " it :eek: Dammm it was a great car !!
Now jump to the early 2000's. By now she had a Moonroof T that was her driver/beater/racer. I had a nice 10k mile TTA I wanted to give her. She didn't want it anymore.. :redface: Melissa refers them to "redneck mullet cars" :eek::p I am tired of the GNs now to. Although I still hallucinate about getting one more I am leaning to a new Mustang :biggrin:
..Soooo.. TTAs .. you either love em or hate em.. Poor bastard child from Pontiac. Never gets respect till ya kick their butt :cool:

Dammm... Just read Jims post .. I guess there are 2 of us that liked em :p