getting a custom 2004r built, what should I get done also lockup questions


New Member
Oct 10, 2008
I want an overdrive for my blown car, and I talked to a guy that sponsers my car club and he offered to build me a bulletproof 2004r and custom convertor for a good price with a 3 year no questions asked warranty. I told him the specs on the car and how everything was setup so he could build the converter, but he also asked if I wanted to run a lockup or non lockup converter. He said there is a minimal amount of slippage at highway speeds and using a lockup converter really doesnt help out that much, and it adds complexity to the torque converter and makes it heavier, and not as strong. I asked about a transbrake and he also reccomended against it since he said I would lose the low 1st gear that the 2004r has and said I would be better off without it since i'm going to run it as a street car.

So what do you guys think? I dont really know much about transmissions and have just been taking his word for everything (I trust him completely as he is a great guy) but I also wanted to get a 2nd opinion. I need to tell him whether I want to run the lockup converter tomorrow and want to make sure I make the right decision.
Primarilly a daily driver??? Then get the lockup! Despite what he tells you there is a significant difference on the highway using lockup vs. non.

What does bullet proof mean in his world? Billet parts? If no billet parts are used it'll be no stronger than the stock original.

Where is his main expertise? Turbo 350/400's or 2004R's? There's a huge difference in expertise as any good builder will tell you.

Shop around!
LU for street car 100% IMO. Transbrake not needed for street car. IF he stands behind 3 years parts, labor then fine but Nothing is Bullet Proof & All Billet is needed to take an 11 sec ride getting pounded weekly.
Again, for the street only then take the warranty. Just get it ALL itemized parts wise & in writing from top to bottom what he covers with that warranty! You should be fine for a street car IF you Trust Him!!

PS: My 1 pass at 11.30 was from a Great tranny Builder here & he stands behind this his Billet tranny but stuff can & will happen! Make sure you Trust him!
I have heard nothing but great things about my trans guy and he has done quite a few transmissions that have held up 9 second cars. When he starts talking about what he does to them I hear billet this...billet that, custom machined this...and i start to tune out because I have no idea what hes talking about.

my car is not a daily driver at all, but it is still going to be driven on the street 98% of the time and I want something that I can put quite a few miles on and have it be a comfortable drive...but then i want to take it to the strip and have a transmission that works very well.
Precision 5 Disc with a stall that matches your combo and lock it up at the track, best of both worlds. You didn't mention what your E.T. might reach but the 200-4R is good but will cost you more and more as you approach the high 9 mark. If you plan on locking the converter at the track, get the billet input shaft on top of the billet forward drum that should be in the rebuild anyways.

The lockup might be a tad heavier but it's clearly better for MPG and tranny fluid when it's locked at 100% efficiency.
Don't expect a lockup to work at the track on a high 9 second car. Seen many a "lockup" converters not able to lock when 700 hp is being thrown at them.
Don't expect a lockup to work at the track on a high 9 second car. Seen many a "lockup" converters not able to lock when 700 hp is being thrown at them.

Then they're probably not running a vigilante multi disc. I've seen plenty of them and being beaten with more than 700HP successfully.
What does bullet proof mean in his world? Billet parts? If no billet parts are used it'll be no stronger than the stock original.

Where is his main expertise? Turbo 350/400's or 2004R's? There's a huge difference in expertise as any good builder will tell you.

Shop around!

Well, his main area of expertise is 200-4r,th350,400,pg,4l80-e,4l60-e,700,aod,and aod-e .:biggrin: I build converters too!!

Billet parts? << Without a doubt!

darkostoj forgot to tell you guys that he built a rocking 6-71 sbc for his car! It's pumping the power for sure.