Get ready to laugh for 30 min. The IROC can never lose!

What a bugger-eating moron! I can't believe the people that have a drivers license. Now I'm so afraid of the big, bad, red IROC!

Is that the one that can't be detected on radar because of the sweet shine from the wax job:rolleyes: If so, it was posted a year or so ago but well worth a repost.
That was absolutley hillarious!!!!

Here are some quotes I picked out.

"when my IROC comes smoking by, alot of cops get jealous."

"radar don't work right on my car because I keep it so's just like how they wax the stealth bomber so much...radar can't see it."

"one cop asked me for my address so he could send me a thank you note for stopping because he knew he'd never catch me."

"the IROC is made of a special kind of metal, not like most cars"

This guy is a complete door knob.
Mark, that's the one.
I don't see any way that can be serious. I think he almost cracked up once, but coughed to cover it up. There is no way that's real. That many drugs in you would leave you dead before you got to the phone.
Thank you so much, I had tears in my eyes for about half of that from laughing so hard. The sad thing is, we've all met morons just like that guy. I've got to say though, I think that was staged. I had that suspicion for a while, but when he got to the 'Back Off' mudflaps and the chain steering wheel it pretty much convinced me that the radio station staged the whole that point it became obvious that he was actually putting forth effort to come off as stupidly as possible. Still funny, though......I'm gonna get rid of this crap-wagon TR I'm driving and get an IROC 'cause they'll dust anything.
This was reposted in the Corral awhile back too, and from what I remember the general consensus was that it was staged. Something about the guy really being one of the dj's or something if I remember correctly.

LOL. That is the Phil Hendrie Show. It originates from here in Los Angeles. :) All the voices of the "guests" on the show are done by Phil himself. Basically the show is kind of a satire of talk radio designed to see how many callers/listeners will get worked up by the most outrageous subjects. Phil is a certified nut, not to mention funny as hell! ;)

I still crack up everytime I hear Phil do an immitation of that lunatic Art Bell that is on the radio in the middle of the night and talks about aliens, apocalyptic meteors, UFOs and all other kind of nonsense. You've all probably heard him at one time or another. During that bit Phil was talking to a "general" that thought the fact that the sun disappears at the end of the day was actually a conspiracy caused by an alien mothership blocking out the sun..........LMFAO.... :p ;) :D

Here is the link to his show's web site. The show is nationally syndicated and may have a station near you that airs the show.

Phil Hendrie Show

Originally posted by TRBON8R

I still crack up everytime I hear Phil do an immitation of that lunatic Art Bell that is on the radio in the middle of the night and talks about aliens, apocalyptic meteors, UFOs and all other kind of nonsense. You've all probably heard him at one time or another. During that bit Phil was talking to a "general" that thought the fact that the sun disappears at the end of the day was actually a conspiracy caused by an alien mothership blocking out the sun..........LMFAO.... :p ;) :D

Ben not everything on Coast to Coast is non-sense(and art has since retired)he does have some good info sometimes. It's not all aliens and conspiracy theories all the time. :)
Originally posted by fighterjet gn
"270 hp" is enough to outrun any cop car . :D lol

Actually...that's not too far off....stupid cop cars are pig slow and some are speed regulated to 120mph...though don't ask me how I know. ;)
Ah, but we're not allowed to chase in we have to use NEXTELs to coordinate. :) I had a motorcycle hit me the other day while fleeing...and my car was parked!
I don't care if that was fake or not. I sat thru the whole thing and almost died laughing. Mostly because I had a '86 IROC in red in high school. I knew it wasn't fast, but thought I looked good. Not as good as that guy with his flame decals, moon disc hubcaps, and chain steering wheel though LOL!!!!!!!!!!
Dude!!!! That was great!!!! I bet his momma's proud hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!