First time loaning your regal/TTA out?


The White Blur
Jan 31, 2002
I loaned the car to my wife to go to the store ( about an hour)and I feel like every minute is endless. I know she knows what the car means to me,but I am worried.

I feel like this is my child going away with a stranger.

I watched her leave slowly out of the driveway and I just had a feeling like the above.

I told her to call me when she arrived and when she leaves.

What was your first time like?
i dunno man, sounds like you put a little too much emphasis on a you ask her to call you when she arrives and leaves when she drives her car? didnt think so...why not? isnt her safety a little more important than the cars?

Well considering the car has nearly 600hp ....I am definetly concerned for her safety. Im sure everything will be ok, but I dont want her to get a wild hair up her booty and boost it... She has before, but on 18psi.....Now 24psi.

I think you got me wrong. I understand tho (Perspective).
Maybe a little tiny bit anal,but that car in the wrong hands could be a real handful,maybe even dangerous... Kinda like playing with a gun,lots of fun,but if you don't know what yor doing,it could hurt...
You are braver than I am. I have only let 4 people drive my car and I was in the car every time.
Yah... as much as I like my car, I would be more worried about the car getting away from gn85girl. As for anyone else, I would more worry about them just 'playing' with the car.

Right now my father has my car while I'm in Germany and I have a great deal of trust with him driving the car. He's just making sure it is run a few times a week. Right now, I'm more worried about him driving that car now that it's winter, but he won't drive the car until roads are clear.

I've driven other peoples GNs and I drove with kid gloves. With or without them in the car... there was no way I was gonna romp on it. Except when a friend asked me to run his car at the track. I was happy to have done the fastest ET I've ever done in a car... but talk about nervous.
sorry guy's BUT it's just a car :rolleyes: My wife an daughter have both drivin FAST cars . Have they ever wrecked them ??? yup :eek: BUT they get fixed an live for another day :p
i dont think the man is making a statement that the car means more to him than his girl

Its the situation, my girl drives a new toyota celica with all of one hamster under the hood, full warranty, no weird quirks, etc.

If I had her drive my buick or my firebird I would first off be concerned that she could drive either, they both are quirky, are setup for drag racing, and, hey lets face it, they are 15+ years old. As guys we know what it is when all of the sudden X, y, or Z, part starts acting funny, you get out jiggle a wire etc, no problems.

What can seem like an every day thing (for instance, starting my bird which is carbed and has no choke) can become a situation that would strand them.

Thats ignoring the power issue. Im pretty sure things would turn ugly if I let her take the buick for a spin and for some reason she got on the boost. Nevermind the fact its riding on slicks and you have to be extra mindful of your road surfaces etc

I suppose for you guys with near factory cars with low miles none of this applies
i knew i was going to have the same problem one day so i just got my wife a jeep:D the buick moves with me in it only
I only really trust a few people to drive my cars. That would be my dad, my uncle and a couple people on this board that I have gone to for help. I dont let friends drive them, I wont let my younger brother drive them and my 2 sisters know better than to ask. Im rather particular about my TRs. My old Jeep, any of my el caminos, my cutlass or the 2 hondas Ive had....... I dont care, give 'em hell. But hands off the 2 cars in my sig.
Originally posted by Pablo
i dont think the man is making a statement that the car means more to him than his girl

Its the situation, my girl drives a new toyota celica with all of one hamster under the hood, full warranty, no weird quirks, etc.

If I had her drive my buick or my firebird I would first off be concerned that she could drive either, they both are quirky, are setup for drag racing, and, hey lets face it, they are 15+ years old. As guys we know what it is when all of the sudden X, y, or Z, part starts acting funny, you get out jiggle a wire etc, no problems.

What can seem like an every day thing (for instance, starting my bird which is carbed and has no choke) can become a situation that would strand them.

Thats ignoring the power issue. Im pretty sure things would turn ugly if I let her take the buick for a spin and for some reason she got on the boost. Nevermind the fact its riding on slicks and you have to be extra mindful of your road surfaces etc

I suppose for you guys with near factory cars with low miles none of this applies

You are right... I just assumed everyone thought about this in the back of their mind. I assumed wrong. I love my wife unconditionally and if she were to get hurt or stranded, I would feel very bad.

The two calls were for those reasons only.... Why would anyone want to know just the car is ok????? Thats my wife were talking about!

Back on topic.

First time you loaned your tr/tta out?
My girlfriends Blazer was in the shop and she needed a ride to work and back. No matter what I said, she would not take the Buick. She was so afraid of hurting it.

When I was a junior in high school, I had a MINT 86 olds 442. Metallic blue with silver on the bottom. Don't remember quite why, but I had my mom drive me to school the one day, so she drove the 442 and dropped me off out front of school. There were a couple guys walking up the sidewalk with their jaws on the ground going "wow that lady has an awsome car". :D
Originally posted by TT/Ameasap
Well considering the car has nearly 600hp ....I am definetly concerned for her safety. Im sure everything will be ok, but I dont want her to get a wild hair up her booty and boost it... She has before, but on 18psi.....Now 24psi.

I think you got me wrong. I understand tho (Perspective).

Is this the car in your sig?----or what car are you talking about with nearly 600 hp?

I have let my wife drive my car at the strip---very sexy and i have let my (at the time)-18 yr old daughter drive my gn(on kill mode)--it all worked out good---but i was nervous.

I understand 100%, My girl friend has asked me before if she could take my Formula out, And I only let her if I am with her. She has quite a few tickits and has been in 3 accidents this year (only 1 was her fault) she drives a 4 banger and well I just don't trust her with that car, Way to much HP for her.... I don't have to worrie about her wanting to take the GN because she does not care for the looks that much, But does enjoy the power ;)
As for letting anyone but me drive it....
its like taking a water pistol out of a kids hand and giving them a 12 gauge shotgun. Not gonna happen. The first time they hit the gas it would be in a ditch.
I let a friend drive it once, who is used to big block V8 power. Well, lets just say that he wasnt impressed until the top of 1st gear where it promptly went sliding sideways!
Forget my dad driving it. The first time he saw my Nittos in the garage, he questioned what they were for. Plus, he was happy driving his "sporty" 89hp nissan. My sisters both have plenty of accidents to their names.
Plus, those of you that know, the car was my grandfathers, and is one of the few things I have to remind me of him. So, it is more than just a car.
The only people I have let drive it, were those who had a respect for the car, and know what its capable of.
its 12 times scarier setting in the passenger seat. i've let my dad take my car quite a few times. i actually hope he wrecks it, if he does then i get his gn!

other than him i've let 2 other peopel drive it.

my friend who has a 12 sec. big block dart had to follow me home one day, it was let him drive it or my dads new truck, and i felt more comfortable being in controll of the far more expensive car. and one other time we were out playing around on an abaondoned road with a few other people (no we wern't racing, why would we ever do that:cool: ) i traded him cars, it was kinda scarry knowing my car was 2 feet from me and there was nothing i could do if anything happend. but it was pretty cool, i pulled a car legnth on him right away (drag radials, vrs. street tires) but my buick stoped all over his dodge, and being passed by your own car is pretty cool.

the other time i was at the track with a exchange student i went to school with, he always talked about how much he liked racing back in brazil so i took him to the track with me. after tech i let hm drive the car down the return road back to the pits. that was a very nervous ride. he really had no idea what was going on when he gave it throttle, it was this weired feeling of "c'mon drive her" and "no no no, easy..."
My wife drives my car a couple of times a year. I once let her make a pass at the track and she ran a 14.5 or so. :confused:
I let my dad drive it once. He was at a stop sign, turned left and being used to an anemic 4-banger Datun, gave it about 3/4 throttle. Half-way through the intersecion, the turbo spooled up, the tires broke loose and he did a 270* turn. His knuckles were white and he kept repeating, "don't tell your mother, don't tell your mother."
My mother drove my dads 87 Limited up to the grocery store shortly after he got it a few years back. My mom pulled out of the subdivision and squeezed the pedal down when a car popped over a hill. The car went into boost and she set the car sideways I guess. This is what my brother told me, lol. Needless to say it scared her, and Im sure my brother! I cant blame her though, she was used to driving my old 85 NA Regal for a year, which obviously wouldnt get out of its own way. In any event, she learned the capabilities of the car, and drove it through that winter w/o a hitch!

As for loaning my TR out, or letting somebody else drive it.........only people are DAD, and 2 of my close buds whom own TRs. Thats it. No if, and's, or but's about it. And itll always be that way. :cool:
My wife won't even consider driving the GN. She's afraid of it.

The very first time I let someone else drive it was when it was still totaled. We needed to get it from the salvage yard to my uncle's house a few miles away. The plan was that my brother was to drive the GN and I was to follow closely as the thing had no tags, registration or insurance.

My brother gets to a "T" intersection, hangs a right and nails the throttle. The junkyard had put on banana peel tires just so they could move the car around. He swung the back end wildly back and forth back and forth into oncoming traffic, into the shoulder - all over the place. He finally regained control of it before he hit anything. I thought it was the funniest thing I had ever seen, he had to clean his pants out.

Now he has one of his own.....

Jim mother in law drives her daughter's 11 sec "T" ...only thing she has said "hey it has good pickup" :D