First time grand national owner


New Member
Feb 15, 2010
Hello first time grand national owner , long time fan , i recently purchasrd a 87 gn , with 39000 miles , ill need alot of advice on wht to do for upgrades DSC05107.jpg
Car looks great.

Step 1. Start savings account.
Step 2. Find another address to have parts shipped to.
Step 3. Find a friendly doctor to prescribe happy pills.
Step 4. Start reading everything you can find on the subject.

Good luck.
Welcome to your new addiction! I love my habbits.... Where are you located in the world? There are guys (gals) that are great at helping with getting to know your new ride. I have found that the folks in the buick community are some of the best around. Jon
First thing for everyone is get some anti theft stuff on there before anything do a search.
Welcome to, the biggest & the best of all of the turbo Buick forums / sites anywhere, and welcome to the Darkside. Beautiful GN, BTW.
Best deterrent right now? Lock it in the garage...:cool:

Oh, and welcome to the Darkside.
thanks for the welcome , all , i am in fl that's step one of my anti theft, jk lmao... . I i do have a alarm plus a few other goodies , it basically has to leave on a flat bed , and i did get the air dams heres a pic]!!!