fast system. disconnect battery.


Northern Turbo
Jul 9, 2001
I had a head gasket blow from a poor machine shop
torquing down cylinder heads. I disconnected battery to
work on car, re-connected now and car runs rough does
battery dis-connect affect fast system? Does system lose its
memory? do I have to re-download previous program?

Not sure if batt. dis connect has effect on system


Also if antifreeze got on wide band 02 would it cause car
to run rough at idles if contaminated?
Disconnecting the battery won't cause the ECU to lose the program.

I spilled some antifreeze in my exhaust once, didn't seem to affect it- but I am curious to know the real answer.

-Bob C.
I've had a couple of recent HG problems on my FAST-powered Toyota, and it didn't affect the WBO2 sensor at all. I've also had the battery disconnected several times, once for several months, with no problems -- I didn't need to reload any configuration files, I just hooked the battery back up and started the enigne when it was ready to go...

on page 7 of this forum is a q/a that lance gave about antifreeze on the o2 sensor
the subject is WB not reading question
I think the post you're referring to is titled Signs of a dead WB O2?. Craig does state that the WBO2 sensor, like all O2 sensors, hates coolant and anything more than a whiff can kill it.

Given my own history of HG problems, I guess I'd better make sure mine is OK...

I would definitely be worried about your O2 sensor if you got coolant in it. The only sensor I know of that doesn't mind getting coolant in it is a coolant temp sensor! :)

Disable closed loop and see if your car continues to idle poorly. If not, we may be on to something. Look at a voltage called UEGOS in the main dash display. It should stabilize at about .45 volts with the car running. If it doesn't, the sensor has most likely been damaged. :(

Disconnecting the ECU should have no effect on the program inside. If you hook your laptop up and take a look at the tables, you will see that everything is still there. Let's hope this head gasket problem didn't cause too many other troubles...
